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2013 Best of Bloggers Gift Guide Giveaway: Craft Beer Club

The holidays are coming! Are you ready? Well, luckily for you, we’ve got a HUGE gift guide to give you ideas for everyone on your list. And even better, we are giving it all away!! That’s right!! You can win TONS of holiday gifts right here!! Here is just one of this year’s must have gifts!


One gift that we are recommending for the man in you life this year is a subscription to Craft Beer Club. Craft Beer Club is the original craft beer club! There are different subscriptions available up to a full year!


Each month, a box featuring 4 different beers (3 each) from across the US is delivered right to your door! The boxes are extremely well packed so no worries of a broken bottle arriving! Plus, there is a page of information about each one of the breweries that is in the box! It’s a great way to be able to try new drinks that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to!

And Craft Beer Club selects some good ones! 🙂


Your first box comes with a few gifts – some glasses, bottle opener, and some snacks.


Then, your beer is safely packed with the information. When it is Craft Beer Club delivery day my husband is always VERY excited. The club costs $37.75 per month which includes shipping! For us this is very much worth it. It’s nice to treat yourself and each month it’s a new surprise in the mail! We have never been disappointed in the selection either! This year I will be subscribing to Craft Beer Club to give as gifts for my father, brothers and renewing our subscription for my husband!


I love the fact that each month a subscription arrives I know that it will make their day. It’s like the gift that just keeps coming! 🙂

We want you to give a subscription as a gift too! So we will be giving one of you a gift of a 3 month subscription that you can keep for yourself or give to a loved one during our Best of Bloggers Gift Guide Giveaway beginning Nov. 29!

Make sure to Follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss any of the giveaways!!

Keep in touch with Craft Beer Club!

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Disclaimer: I was given a gift of Craft Beer Club to try and give my honest review for. All opinions are 100% my own. Craft Beer Club did NOT pay for this review or compensate me for my post.

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