3 Ways to Disinfect Sponges And When You Should Throw Them Away

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3 Ways to Disinfect Sponges And When You Should Throw Them Away

Sponges are growing fields for bacteria! Seriously! Scientists use them to grow different bacterias in their labs! The moisture makes them the perfect breeding ground. But you can disinfect your sponges easily! Here are 3 ways to disinfect sponges and when you really need to throw them away!

The first way is the most common and basic. Simply dry it out. Bacteria can only live for a few hours on a dry surface. After every use rinse and place in a spot that it can easily air dry.

Sponge holders are awesome, but make sure you have one that will allow for all parts of the sponge to air dry. You want to avoid ones that water can accumulate. The one above is perfect for allowing plenty of air and allowing the water to drain. Plus it’s only $7.99! (Get it here!)

The second way to disinfect your sponge is really easy. The next time that you are running a load of towels in the washing machine, throw in your sponge! After it is done washing take it out and let it air dry.

The third method to disinfecting your sponge is super quick. DO NOT DO THIS METHOD WITH A SPONGE WITH ANY METAL IN IT. Wet the sponge (DO NOT FORGET THIS PART! A dry sponge can catch fire in the microwave! (You can also fill a bowl with water and put the sponge in it!) Heat in the microwave for 3 minutes, keeping an eye on it. When it is done, it will be very hot with lots of steam so be careful! Let it cool! Once it is cool enough to touch, wring out the excess water and your sponge will be ready to use! This is the most effective method for killing all of the germs and bacteria!

So how long should you keep a sponge before throwing it away? Even with regular disinfecting? One month! Are you surprised? At the beginning of each month open up a new pack and treat yourself to a new sponge! 🙂



  1. I usually use the microwave to disinfect my sponge. The steam also helps to loosen up anything stuck to the sides of the microwave so I can clean it too at the same time.

    • Yep! It’s a bonus! 🙂

  2. We throw ours in the dishwasher every night with the dishes. I used to use the washing machine and then thought why do that when the dishwasher is right here -saves a little time and lets me get it cleaned daily.

  3. I throw mine in the dishwasher every couple of days or so and after a while, I just throw them away.

  4. I don’t have a sponge, but I do use a scrubby that can get pretty disgusting. I throw it in the washer and bleach it at least once or more a week.

  5. The microwave tip was new to me. I would never have thought of that.

  6. I’ ma clean freak when it comes to my sponge, if it looks anywhere near unusable because of how dirty it looks I instantly throw it away and grab a new one.

  7. I am going to remember to throw them in the wash with the towels and set a reminder on my phone each month to buy new ones. Great ideas!!

  8. I didn’t know you could wash your sponge with your towels. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I’ve washed them in the dishwasher, but never thought about the washing machine. Good to know. I need to get a little holder like that to dry it.

  10. I have done the microwave trick, but I never knew that you could wash them with your towels! That’s pretty cool!

  11. Yeah, I’m trying your other methods. I’d heard about the microwave way and that did not go so well when I forgot to wet it.

    • Oh no!! Yes…the washer might be safer for you! 🙂

  12. I like the microwave idea. Sponges are so useful.

  13. I usually just throw them away. Maybe I should do a bit more disinfecting of them

  14. I typically throw my sponges in the dishwasher. I’ll have to try the microwave trick.

  15. I actaully use towels or rags and wash in the washer. I hate sponges for this very reason. I’ll try this the next time I pick one up

  16. This is way goo to know. I usually throw these bad boys out after one use. Not any more! woot!

  17. I normally only use my sponges twice before I throw them away. By using these methods of disinfecting them, I will save a lot of money!

  18. Sponges and their germs gross me out. I usually use them and toss them

  19. I rotate my sponges every month. The old dish sponges get demoted to the bathroom or to clean the stove while I always have new ones for the dishes.

  20. I have heard of the microwave method, but have not tried it yet. I also need one of those sponge holders.

  21. I didn’t know you could put your sponge in the washer. I have heard of the microwave method though. 🙂

  22. Thanks for sharing this information. I had no idea that sponges should be cared for like this. I feel like I throw them away more frequently than once a month.

  23. To disinfect the sponges, I boil them in the hot water and place aside where it can dry completely. I like your third method and surely going to try. Thanks for sharing such a nice tip to sterilize the sponges.


  1. What Cleaning Supplies You Need To Stock A Cleaning Caddy – It’s A Fabulous Life says:

    […] Paper towels, rags, sponges (Learn how to disinfect and clean your sponges here!) […]

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