30 ways to make your 4th of July get together rock your socks off (and your guests!)

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30 ways to make your 4th of July get together rock your socks off (and your guests!)

The 4th of July is well on it’s way so if you are planning a BBQ, family get together or just doing something fun with the kids now is the time to get those brainstorms started. At our house it’s family, games, BBQ and fireworks. Pretty low key, but no excuse not to make it adorable! Thanks to some awesomely creative bloggers out there, here are 30 ideas to get you started on your rock your socks off 4th of July bash!
Aren’t these 4th of July chair bunting from HMH Designs adorable?
Yum! Fire cracker cupcakes from Jamie Cooks it up!
Perfect for making your table nice and festive. Add sprinkles to a cup and put a candle in it! So easy! (Better Homes and Garden)
I love this little God Bless America printable from Landee See Landee Do.
Independence Day punch from Big Bear’s Wife. Everyone will be talking about it!
I think this wreath is just adorable. (Capital B)
I admit to squealing with delight when I saw Uncle Sam from The Muddy Princess. Use his hat to hold flowers, silverware for your table, sparklers, the possibilities are endless!
Here is another great and easy craft to dress up your table (or mantle!) from Martha Stewart.
I think these fire crackers are just to die for cute. (Country Creations by Denise)
Yes, I went thrifting right after I saw this picture to snatch up some red, white and blue plates. And I’m in love. (The Tablescaper has TONS of great ideas for every occasion!)
From Made – classy streamers. I love the combined colors. I love the ruffles. I love that it makes a big impact for cheap!
Aren’t these cute? Guess what these firecrackers are made of? Mailing tubes. Genius. (All You)

And for the adults at your party…red, white and blue Sangria from Recipe Girl.
This is pretty awesome piece of decor from Less Cake More Frosting but she warns that’s it is a big job! But if you have the patience I say go for it (and make one for me too!)
I have all of Eighteen25’s awesome prints. I get mine printed at Office Max on cardstock for under $2 each. (I’ll have to double check the size I get for you!)
I love the idea of cups, silverware and napkins all being together in one spot. Easy to grab while your fixing your plate full! Great idea from A Soft Place to Land.
Is this flag not super cute? At Second Street is a great blog full of good ideas!
This Old House has a series of 13 awesome games to play in your backyard plus the how to’s in building them!
I vote Style me Pretty is a pretty smart lady. Putting bug spray stations (and sunscreen stations) outside for you and your friends and family is a pretty darn nice thing to do!
Spray paint dots (or stars) on your lawn for yard twister! If it’s really hot out put a few sprinklers on 🙂 (Kate Spade Blog)
Make a Smore’s bar like Martie Knows Parties did.
Or how about an awesome build your own shortcake bar? YUM. Celebrations at home is an idea packed blog for lots of different occasions!
I think Mason jars make everything pretty. This lemonade is perfect for a BBQ. It stays cool on ice. Already in a cup. A lid to close so bugs stay out. And your guests can label their so no mixed up cups! (The High Heeled Hostess)
Here is another quick, easy and cheap game that you can whip up – and this one you can use time and time again! Perfect for keeping the kids entertained! (And adults too!) (Family Fun)
This fruit pie from Woman’s Day looks a-maz-ing.
Store matches in a jar with a lid that ensures a perfect light every time. Obviously keep away from kids but essential for lighting those sparklers! (The Burlap Bag)
How sweet is this little topiary from Whitney Caroline designs?
Here is another free print to fill up those frames! This one is from Polkadots on Parade!
I love the element of surprise. This cake looked pretty and festive with it’s marshmallow butter cream frosting, strawberries and blueberries. Everyone will say oh pretty. And then dessert time. Cut it open and WOW! Surprise! 🙂 (Unusual 2 Tasty)
There you go. 30 ideas to get you started. What traditions do you have on the 4th of July?



  1. So many wonderful ideas! And to think I don’t have my fourth of July table planned yet, well I think you’ve given me some inspiration.

    Thank you so much for the shout out and for featuring me. I’d love to have you link to Seasonal Sundays.

    – The Tablescaper

  2. Thanks so much for the feature, great ideas!!

  3. Thank you for featuring my punch!


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