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2013 Gift Guide Giveaway: Polar Loop Review

polar loop

The Polar Loop is a MUST have for anyone who lives an active lifestyle or who WANTS to have an active lifestyle. I know that there are lots of fitness trackers out there, but this one is different. And it’s amazing.

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1. It’s easy to use. To charge simply plug into your computer. The charger is easy to attach – it is attracted by a magnet!

polar water

2. It’s waterproof!! This is the first fitness tracker that you can swim with!


3. You can add one of Polar’s heart rate monitors and get even more data and more precise numbers. No heart rate? Don’t worry – I found that Polar was pretty spot on with my times and steps. (Yes, I was the weirdo outside counting my steps and then seeing how many my Loop told me I had.)

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4. The (free) software allows you to track your progress!

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5. It’s fun! I can look at my Loop and see how much activity I’ve done for the day and how much I need to still do. It also tells me how many minutes I would have to do in a high energy level workout (like jogging) or a low energy level workout (like walking). I’ve found that it’s pretty motivational – I can see that in order to reach my daily goal I only need to go jog for 6 minutes. 6 minutes? I can do that! So off I go!

I feel very techie when I wear this, but I don’t have to be techie to work it. Which is great, because I’m NOT techie. I absolutely love it and I feel empowered with it. It is such a great tool to use. I am going to get my son one for Christmas. I think that him earning 100% on his activity tracker would be a great way to earn video game time! 🙂

You can get a Polar Loop for yourself and for everyone on your holiday list this year! One lucky winner will receive a Polar Loop of their own on December 10th!

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