AMC presents Sensory Friendly Films for Children!!

AMC Sensory Friendly Films


I’m so glad that Tiffany from My Litter posted about this! I had completely forgotten!! AMC Theaters has a really awesome program called Sensory Friendly Films designed specifically for children with sensory issues like Autism. A few years ago we took Josh to one. In fact I took a ‘sick’ day at work and we went and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. Of course someone from the newspaper took our photo. Lesson learned – if you call in sick avoid the news crew. 🙂

But back to AMC – I think that it so awesome that they provide this service!

The program provides a special opportunity for families to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment. The auditoriums dedicated to the program have their lights up, the sound turned down and audience members are invited to get up and dance, walk, shout or sing!

The idea for the program began with a request from a parent with an autistic child for a special screening at AMC Columbia Mall 14 in Columbia, MD. More than 300 children and parents attended the first screening. Now it’s NATION WIDE!!

Upcoming Dates and Movies:

  • February 23, 2013 – ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH
  • March 30, 2013 – THE CROODS 2-D
  • April 13, 2013 – JURASSIC PARK 2-D
  • June 1, 2013 – EPIC 2-D
  • June 29, 2013 – MONSTERS UNIVERSITY
  • July 13, 2013 – DESPICABLE ME 2
  • August 10, 2013 – THE SMURFS 2

To find a participating theater near you visit here.


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