Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies Recipes

Cake Mix Creations: Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies Recipes

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Want something quick and tasty? Try making these wonderful strawberry cake mix cookies! They need just cake mix, oil, and eggs. They are a quick way to get your cookie fix, perfect for any party or just as a treat. These cookies are soft, pink, and delicious.

This recipe is great because it saves time and effort. With cake mix as the base, you don’t need butter. This means you get a moist, tasty cookie every time. The strawberry flavour makes them a fun choice, standing out.

Making these cookies is so easy, it’s perfect for kids too. Let your children join in the fun by helping you mix the dough. It’s a great way to make happy memories together.

What’s amazing about this recipe is you can make it your own. While they are great with just strawberry flavour, you can add white chocolate chips for luxury. Or, roll them in powdered sugar for a cool look before baking. You can get creative!

After baking, you can eat the cookies straight away or save them for later. They keep well at room temperature. You can also freeze them for another time. They make a lovely treat, loved by all who try them.

Why Use Cake Mix to Make Cookies?

Using cake mix to make cookies has many benefits. It makes baking easier by cutting down on ingredients and steps. You can pick any cake flavour like strawberry to get different cookie tastes. These cookies use oil instead of butter, which works for people without butter. It also means lighter cookies. It’s fun to bake these cookies with kids. They’re fast to make and come out great. You can jazz them up with frosting or chocolate chips.

If you’re short on time but love cookies, cake mix is your answer. A lot of what you need, like flour and sugar, is already in the mix. This cuts down on measuring and mixing. You get to focus on making your cookies special with flavours and extras.

Cake mix offers loads of choice. Try out interesting flavours like lemon or red velvet. And, of course, you can’t go wrong with classics like chocolate cookies. The range of flavours you can make is huge.

Another good thing about cake mix cookies is that they don’t need butter. Oil works as a substitute, making them easier to make. Plus, oil gives you cookies that are chewy and light.

If you’re looking for a simple activity with your kids, try making cake mix cookies. The recipe is straightforward, and kids love choosing their favourite flavours. This is a great way to involve them in baking. It helps them get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the process.

“Cake mix cookies are a fantastic way to get creative in the kitchen. You can experiment with different cake mix flavours and add-ins, like sprinkles, chocolate chips, or nuts, to create a variety of cookies that cater to everyone’s taste. Whether you’re baking for a party, a gift, or simply to satisfy your sweet tooth, cake mix cookies are a delicious and easy treat that everyone will enjoy.”

To give you an idea of the diverse flavors and possibilities that cake mix cookies offer, take a look at this table showing some popular flavours:

Cake Mix Flavor Cookie Variation
Strawberry Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Double Chocolate Cookies
Lemon Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies
Red Velvet Cream Cheese Stuffed Red Velvet Cookies
Vanilla Funfetti Cookies

Cake mix cookies offer a world of flavour that’s easy to explore. Start experimenting with cake mix, and enjoy the baking fun. They’re perfect for anyone who loves making and eating cookies.

How to Make Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

Making strawberry cake mix cookies is easy. You only need a box of strawberry cake mix, oil, and eggs. First, mix the eggs and oil. Then, slowly blend in the cake mix until it becomes a dough. Place the dough on a baking sheet and bake it for 10-12 minutes. Wait for the cookies to cool down before enjoying. You can also try rolling the dough in powdered sugar or adding white chocolate chips for a twist. These cookies turn out soft, chewy, and have a delightful hint of strawberry.

Ingredients Instructions
  • 1 box strawberry cake mix
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and oil until well combined.
  3. Add the strawberry cake mix to the bowl and mix until a smooth dough forms.
  4. Using a cookie scoop or tablespoon, drop rounded portions of dough onto the prepared baking sheet.
  5. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the tops of the cookies start to crackle.
  6. Remove from the oven and let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes.
  7. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.


Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies are a simple but lovely dessert choice for anyone. Both children and adults enjoy them. They have a soft feel and a pretty pink colour. This makes them different from the usual cookies. You can personalise these cookies with different toppings. This makes them great for special events like Valentine’s Day or birthdays. They are tasty by themselves or with icing or extras. These cookies will make any day better.

This recipe is straightforward and needs only a few ingredients. It is ideal for those who want to bake something tasty at home. By mixing cake mix, oil, and eggs, you get a cookie that is both soft and chewy. It is full of strawberry taste. You can make them even more special in many ways. Dust them with powdered sugar, add white chocolate chips, or try your ideas.

If you’re looking for something sweet, why not try Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies? They’re a simple way to enjoy the happiness of baking at home. They fit any event or can be a treat in itself. These cookies make a good impression. So, gather your ingredients and get started. Happy baking!


Can I use any flavor of cake mix to make cookies?

Yes, any cake mix flavour can be used to make various cookie types.

Can I customize the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Absolutely! You can add white chocolate chips or dust the dough with powdered sugar.

How can I store the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Keep them at room temperature or freeze for eating later.

Are the strawberry cake mix cookies suitable for special occasions?

Yes, they’re great for special times like Valentine’s Day or birthdays. Their pink colour and softness make them a hit.

Can I bake these cookies with kids?

Yes, these cookies are fun and easy to make with kids. They’ll love the taste.

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