Strawberry Cookies Recipe Cake Mix

Cake Mix Creations: Strawberry Cookies Recipe

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Welcome to Cake Mix Creations! Here, we turn ordinary cake mix into tasty treats. This time, we’re showing you how to make Strawberry Cookies. They’re easy to make and everyone loves them.

Looking for something quick and sweet? Try our Strawberry Cookies Recipe Cake Mix. You only need cake mix, oil, and eggs. These cookies are full of strawberry taste.

Using cake mix lets you try lots of flavours. You can make chocolate cookies, vanilla, or lemon. It’s up to you!

What’s great about our pink strawberry cookies? They are a hit with kids! Use them at a party or as a nice surprise. Let’s start making these easy and fun strawberry cake mix cookies!

Making Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

Do you want strawberry cookies but find most recipes a hassle? We’ve got a simple solution! You can make yummy strawberry cake mix cookies in just a few steps. This guide will show you how. You’ll end up with a sweet treat that everyone will enjoy.

Gather Your Ingredients

You’ll need the following for these amazing cookies:

  • 1 box of strawberry cake mix
  • 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs

Make sure you have everything listed above. Then, we can start baking these delightful cookies!

Mixing the Dough

First, preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). Then, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Next, mix the cake mix, oil, and eggs in a bowl. Blend them until smooth to form a pink, fragrant dough.

Scooping and Baking

With the dough ready, it’s time to bake. Scoop the dough into balls and place them on the sheet. Leave a 2 inch space between them. They’ll spread while baking.

Put the sheet in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. The cookies are ready when the edges are golden. They’ll be soft in the middle but will harden as they cool. Don’t bake them too long for best results.

Tips for Perfect Results

Want to make the best cookies every time? Remember these tips:

  1. Stop mixing the dough as soon as the ingredients come together. Overmixing can make cookies tough.
  2. For more strawberry taste, add chopped strawberries or extract to the dough.
  3. Get creative with extras like white chocolate, sprinkles, or nuts.
  4. Cool the cookies completely on the baking sheet. Then move them to a wire rack. This helps them keep their shape.

With these steps and tips, you’re all set to bake. Make these cookies and enjoy the wonderful mix of strawberry sweetness with a chewy goodness. Happy baking!

Dressing Up Your Strawberry Cake Cookies

After making strawberry cake mix cookies, it’s fun to enhance their look and taste. There are many ways to decorate them. You can frost them, add toppings, or present them creatively.

Frosting and Toppings

Adding frosting can make your cookies tastier and prettier. Choose from cream cheese, buttercream, or strawberry glaze. These frostings match the strawberry flavour well.

For extra flair, put toppings on your frosted cookies. Sprinkles, sugar, or freeze-dried strawberries give colour and crunch. You can also try nuts like almonds or pistachios for a different flavour.

Creative Ideas for Presentation

Cookies can be art too. Be inspired by events like Valentine’s Day. Use heart-shaped cutters or chocolate zigzags to make them special.

For a fun dessert, make sandwich cookies with a strawberry filling. Combine cookies with jam, frosting, or Nutella. They are easy and tasty.

Now, try new ways to dress up your cookies. Experiment with different designs and tastes. Surprise your family and friends with unique, delicious treats.

Decorating Ideas Ingredients/Supplies
Classic Cream Cheese Frosting Cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla extract
Buttercream Frosting Butter, powdered sugar, milk, vanilla extract
Strawberry Glaze Strawberries, powdered sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice
Sprinkles Assorted colored sprinkles
Colored Sugar Sugar, food coloring
Crushed Freeze-Dried Strawberries Freeze-dried strawberries, granulated sugar
Chopped Nuts Almonds, pistachios, or your preferred nuts
Heart-Shaped Cookies Heart-shaped cookie cutter
Melted Chocolate Drizzle White or dark chocolate, melted
Strawberry Sandwich Cookies Strawberry jam, cream cheese frosting, Nutella


Storing strawberry cake mix cookies well is key to keeping them tasty. Use an airtight container, like a cookie jar or a sealed bag. This keeps them from getting soggy and helps retain their flavour.

Got extra cookie dough or planning ahead? Freezing is perfect. Make cookie-sized balls of dough and freeze them on a tray lined with parchment. Once they’re firm, move them to a freezer bag. Now, you can bake a few cookies whenever you like, no defrosting needed.

Strawberry cookies from cake mix are a real treat, easy and fun to make. You can have them simple or get creative with decorations. Cake mix adds extra flavour and possibilities to these tasty treats. So, enjoy baking and savour the sweet magic of strawberry cake mix cookies!


Can I use any brand of cake mix for the strawberry cookies?

Yes, any brand of strawberry-flavored cake mix will do for these cookies. Ensure you pick strawberry for the tastiest outcome.

What other flavors can I make with cake mix cookies?

Besides strawberry, you have lots of options. Try chocolate, lemon, vanilla, or red velvet for starters.

How long do the strawberry cake mix cookies stay fresh?

Keep the strawberry cookies in an airtight container. They will last about 5 days at room temperature.

Can I freeze the cookie dough?

Freezing the cookie dough is a great idea. Shape the dough into balls, freeze on a sheet, then store in a bag. They will be fine in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw in the fridge before baking.

Can I add frosting to the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Yes, frosting makes these cookies even better. You can use ready-made or homemade frosting. After baking, frost and let them cool for a yummy finish.

Are these cookies suitable for kids?

Kids will love these cookies. Their bright pink colour and sweet taste are perfect for young snackers.

Can I make sandwich cookies with the strawberry cake mix cookies?

You sure can! Make a sandwich by adding frosting or filling between two of the strawberry cookies. Press them gently together.

What are some creative ideas for decorating the strawberry cake mix cookies?

Get creative with your cookies. Try drizzling white chocolate on them. Add glaze, sugar, or glitter for a festive touch. You can also use fun cookie cutters for special shapes.

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