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Mountain Man Breakfast recipe – a camping breakfast must

A few weeks ago we took a trip to Turkey Run State Park to go camping with my mom, step-dad, brother and sister. The weather was perfect – upper 70’s low 80’s, the bugs stayed away and the trails there are some of the best around. Nice and rugged just how we like them!
(P.S. If you are just here for the recipe scroll down!)
Some of the trails
Ah. The ladder trail. The kid’s loved it. We hiked up the ladders which I think was much easier than if we had to hike down them!
Here’s my mom hiking up the ladder! Woo hoo!
It was so beautiful there!
My little sister and step-dad climbing down.
The kids were pretty worn out by the end of the day. My little brother barely made it back to the camp site!
Of course we had to make s’mores!
It was a great couple days. Fun to get out and do stuff. Nice to hang out with family. And guess what? I didn’t have to cook! WOO HOO!!!!

Here is a recipe for a breakfast my mom made while we camping. It’s called The Mountain Man Breakfast and you make it in the dutch oven. The recipe I have says it can be made in a regular oven as well. This is a must have if you are feeding a crowd! It’s a big one!

    • 1/2 pound bacon
    • 1/2 pound sage sausage, cooked and crumbled
    • 1 medium onion, diced
    • 1 2-pound bag hash brown potatoes, diced
    • 1/2 pound extra sharp cheddar cheese, grated
    • 1 dozen eggs
Pre-heat Dutch oven, 6-9 bottom coals and 12-15 top coals. Slice bacon and onion into small pieces, and brown in the bottom of the Dutch oven until onions are clear. Stir in the hash brown potatoes and cover. Remove cover and stir occasionally to brown potatoes (15-20 minutes). Scramble the eggs in a separate container and pour the mixture over the hash browns. Cover and cook until eggs start to set (10-15 minutes). Sprinkle grated cheese over egg mixture, cover, and continue heating until eggs are completely set and cheese is melted. Slice and serve.
Or cook in a large flat baking dish 350 degrees for about 15 minutes if you are making it at home!

