Cereal Box Valentine’s – with printable tags

free printable valentines
Here are the Valentine’s we did last year! 🙂
This year we wanted something different for Valentine’s Day. As much as we love candy — we love cereal just a little more.
I bought packs of mini boxes of cereal at Wal-Mart for $3-4 each. Each pack had 8 boxes in it. (My mom used to buy these when I was little – we loved them!)
Then I made some little tags and voila. Cereal lovers dream.
Want the tags? Here you go!
(I’m not the most technical person out there so I just saved it as a .jpeg and then emailed it to my local Office Max. They printed the tags on card stock for me for cheap! And they came out great!)
Here is my list of cereals we had:
I’m coo coo for you. – Cocoa Puffs
You’re my lucky charm! – Lucky Charms
You bring cheer to my day. – Cheerios
No trix, you’re a great friend. – Trix
Our friendship is golden. – Golden Grahms
You’re the apple of my eye. – Apple Jacks
You’re grrreat! – Frosted Flakes
I CEREALsly like you. – other cereals that I couldn’t come up with a clever line for! 🙂
Linking up here



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