Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe

Classic Confections: Master the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe

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The Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe is great for making buttery homemade treats. These cookies are soft on the inside but crispy on the outside. They taste like the classic sugar cookie, thanks to vanilla and almond extracts.

They have a soft texture due to cream of tartar and powdered sugar. Plus, they keep their shape well. This makes them perfect for any design you cut out.

The marshmallow buttercream makes these cookies extra tasty. You can decorate them with sanding sugars, sprinkles, or royal icing. This recipe is ideal for Easter, Christmas, or any special event.

How to Make the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe

You’ll need some key ingredients and a bit of patience for the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe. These simple steps will help you make perfect bunny cut-out sugar cookies.


  • All-purpose flour
  • Baking soda
  • Cream of tartar
  • Unsalted butter
  • Powdered sugar
  • Egg
  • Almond extract
  • Vanilla extract
  • Marshmallow creme
  • Heavy cream
  • Sanding sugars or sprinkles (for decorating)


  1. Whisk together the flour, baking soda, and cream of tartar in a bowl.
  2. Beat the unsalted butter in a separate bowl until smooth.
  3. Add the powdered sugar, egg, almond extract, and vanilla extract to the butter, mixing well.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ones gradually, until fully combined.
  5. Roll each dough section into a ¼-inch thick slab.
  6. Chill the dough for at least one hour.
  7. Preheat your oven to 375ºF.
  8. Flour and use a bunny cookie cutter to cut the cookies, place on a tray.
  9. Bake for 7-8 minutes, until edges are light golden.
  10. Let the cookies cool before moving to a rack.
  11. Prepare the marshmallow buttercream frosting while the cookies cool.
  12. Beat unsalted butter and marshmallow creme in a bowl until smooth.
  13. Gradually mix in powdered sugar and heavy cream to your desired frosting thickness.
  14. Pipe the frosting onto the cooled cookies.
  15. Add sanding sugars or sprinkles for decoration.

Decorating Tips:

Be creative when decorating your bunny cut-out sugar cookies. Use different coloured sugars and sprinkles. You can also use royal icing for intricate designs. Let your creativity flow!

Now you know the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe. Gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and get ready. Make some beautiful and tasty bunny cut-out sugar cookies. Enjoy the baking and decorating process!


Using the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe, making perfect cookies is easy. Start with ingredients at room temperature. This makes a smooth dough. Roll out the dough to your liking and then chill it before cutting shapes. This makes the cookies keep their shape well.

Decorating the cookies is where the fun really starts. The recipe offers many ways to make your cookies unique. Use royal icing for detailed designs. Or pick buttercream for a soft cover. To make them more colourful, add sprinkles or sanding sugars. Let your creativity shine.

You need a few things to decorate your cookies well. Get a quality set of cookie cutters for various shapes. Piping bags and tips will make your designs look great. An offset spatula helps in spreading frosting. This makes your cookies look professional. With these, and the recipe, your cookies will be both beautiful and tasty.

Now, use the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe and your decorating skills to make amazing cookies. Whether for a celebration or just because, making and decorating these cookies is fun. Prepare for lots of praise and enjoy the delicious homemade treats. Happy baking!


Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?

For the best results, it’s advised to use unsalted butter in the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe. This lets you control the salt content better.

Can I replace almond extract with another flavoring?

Sure, you can swap almond extract with vanilla extract or any flavour you like. It lets you make the cookies taste just how you want.

How long does the dough need to chill?

Chill the dough for at least an hour. This step makes the dough easier to work with. It also stops the cookies from spreading too much when you bake them.

Can I freeze the dough and bake it later?

Yes, you can freeze the dough. Wrap it in plastic or put it in an airtight container. When you want to bake, let it thaw in the fridge first.

How should I store the baked cookies?

After baking and decorating, keep the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for a week. You can also freeze them.

Can I use royal icing instead of buttercream frosting?

Sure thing. Many people choose royal icing for decorating sugar cookies. It gives them a classic and neat appearance.

Can I use sanding sugar and sprinkles together?

Mixing sanding sugar and sprinkles is a great idea. Together, they make the cookies look both pretty and interesting.

What tools do I need for decorating the cookies?

You’ll need a cookie cutter, piping bags, decorating tips, and a small offset spatula. These tools are key for making your cookie designs look clean and well-made.

Can I use this recipe for other shapes besides bunny cut-outs?

Yes, you can use the Ann Clark Sugar Cookie Recipe for all sorts of shapes and designs. It’s great for any celebration.

How can I prevent the cookies from spreading too much while baking?

To stop the cookies from spreading too much, chill the dough and don’t roll it too thin. Make sure your oven is heated properly too.

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