Couponing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to All Things Coupon


Welcome to Couponing 101! This is a beginner’s series to couponing so we will start at the very basics and move up to more advanced tips and tricks!

Before you can learn to use coupons you need to know a few things about them. I found this infographic and thought it was awesome!


Isn’t that something? People who make $100,000 are twice as likely to use coupons as those who make less than $35,000. That’s the one that surprised me the most!

Here are some things you need to know about coupons.

Where do coupons come from?

Coupons come from the manufacturers. Manufacturer’s use them to promote an item. There are so many items in the supermarkets, but if you have a coupon for an item it is more likely to catch your eye. They are hoping that you will try an item, like it and then return to buy it later on at full price. (Full price? Not a chance!) 🙂 Companies especially like to put out coupons for new items to help you become aware of the new product.

Does my store lose money from my coupons?

Nope! In fact if you look at a coupon it will usually state that the store will be reimbursed for the coupon plus a handling fee of $0.08.

Can you eat healthy with coupons? All I see are coupons for processed foods.

There are coupons for healthy foods out there! Rice, orange juice, cheese, yogurt, cereal are just some items that come to mind. Not to mention canned vegetables or frozen fruit! 🙂

There are never any coupons for things I need.

Um. Do you use toilet paper? Shampoo? Conditioner? Deodorant? There are coupons for everyone!

The generic brand is cheaper.

The generic brand is never free. And it doesn’t get much cheaper than free. I promise. Use your coupons the correct way and name brands will be much cheaper!

But the coupon isn’t for my brand.

Well, I can’t help much there. BUT I will say, even if it’s not your brand pick up a few if they are stock pile prices just to get you through. Then, when your brand goes on sale at a stock up price – STOCK UP! Just because you have a coupon doesn’t mean you HAVE to use it!

My time is worth more than what I would save clipping coupons.

Not mine. In fact, this is how I figure it. I ‘work’ on my coupons (including meal planning and coming up with my grocery list) about 2-3 hours a week. I save about $200 a week. That means I save $66-$100 per hour that I ‘work’.

I will say, if you don’t use coupons correctly you will waste your time. You have to know how to use them effectively – which you will learn in this series!

Want to know what’s coming up next in this series?

Tuesday – Where to find coupons, part 1

Wednesday – Where to find coupons, part 2

Thursday – Organizing your coupons – the file folder method

Friday – Organizing your coupons – the binder method

Saturday – Organizing your coupons – MY method

Sunday – Planning a successful coupon trip – How to read an ad match up

PLUS MORE! Sign up for our emails so you don’t miss a thing! (You can sign up on the top right hand side of the website where it says subscribe!)

2 Responses to Couponing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to All Things Coupon

  1. […] sure if you missed yesterday’s Coupon FAQ make sure to read them […]

  2. I look forward to reading through the rest of the couponing posts you have done. I’ve used coupons from time to time but feel like I spend more than I would like just to get the savings. I hope I learn some new tricks! #SITSblogging #Commentlove

    Tiffany | Finding the Story recently posted…Coffee Break with Vintage FlairMy Profile

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