Disney Princess Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Disney Princess Bedroom Decorating Ideas

It’s no secret that I love Disney. It’s one of those things that I don’t think you can ever outgrow. Our bedroom idea posts have been really popular in the past (thank you!), but usually we focus more on rooms for boys. Not intentionally! I think it’s because as the mom of a boy, it’s just what I do. So I wanted to come up with some ideas for girl’s rooms. This little project was SO much fun! Moms to girls….some days I’m a tad jealous.

Here are 5 rooms based on classic Disney princesses. Everything can be found on Amazon – which means free shipping for Prime members (Not a Prime member? Get a free trial here!) or on orders over $35. Love our Disney rooms? Let us know which one we should do next!

Sleeping Beauty Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Seriously, pink plus the blues….and that rug!! I can’t get enough. If you have a Sleeping Beauty fan this room is surely to get her excited! Here are the pieces that we used:

Beauty and The Beast Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Be our guest! Ahhhh! Sorry – I just can’t deal with all of the cuteness going on in this. Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favorite movies ever. I would have died if my mom made my bedroom look like this! Here are the pieces we used:

Snow White Bedroom

This Snow White bedroom is about as sweet as you can get. I love the look of the different colored sheets, blankets and pillow cases!

Princess Jasmine: Aladdin Inspired Bedroom

I don’t know about you, but I would love this room! Princess Jasmine’s inspired bedroom brings in great colors and some pretty awesome details! Here are the items that we used:

Cinderella Bedroom Ideas

You can’t even begin to talk about princess rooms without talking about a Cinderella inspired bedroom! Sweet, simple and full of amazing decorations that pull double duty as toys. That my friends is a mom win!




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