DIY: Halloween Recycled Bat Wreath Tutorial

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DIY: Halloween Recycled Bat Wreath Tutorial

I *love* Halloween. Really love it! So I’m pretty excited to start sharing some of my Halloween decorations with you!!

First up is my recycled bat wreath. I actually made this last year (I can’t believe how well it held up in storage!). I don’t any pictures of the actual process but it was so easy – fool proof. BUT with that said I will warn you. IT TOOK FOREVER!!! But it was cheap and I really love the way it looks!!

Alright – ready? You need:

A foam wreath
A box of dressmaker pins (yes – the WHOLE thing!)
1 piece of black felt
LOTS of newspaper (good thing we clip so many coupons right?!?)

Take your newspaper and cut out circles. They don’t have to be perfect – or even close to it. I did whole sections at a time – most of my circles weren’t really circles! More like oblong ovals.

After you get plenty cut out pick one and a pin. Now, this is all very technical…
Put your finger in the middle (or about the middle)
Fold it upwards around your finger.
Put the pin in the bottom part and pin right into your wreath.

Hooray! You folded the paper. Now. Repeat that about 700 times! You want to really pack it full!

I told you it took a while!!

When you are done you can cut out a few bats out of the felt (I just drew mine but you can print out a bat clip art to trace if you would like as well!) Then just pin your bat on! (I colored the tops of my pins black with a sharpie so they blended in!)

There it is – under my Halloween shelf. I really do love it. I think it looks awesome. And since last time I pulled it out the newspaper has started to get some brown edges which looks really cool. So if you start this project – know that it is worth it in the end!! Put on some awesome movies and just pin away! 🙂 I recommend storing this in a wreath storage bin!! I had it hung in our front closet for a little while (we have a double sided wreath hanger that goes over your door and I just put that over the coat rack!) but then after Christmas I found a great deal on a wreath holder. When I pulled it out this year – it was all in tact!! I would have been pretty upset if all of those pins fell out!

Total Cost: about $7

I’m going to link it here. If you like this project please share! 🙂

My wreath has been entered here:



  1. Whoa, that is super cool, but I don’t think I’ve got the patience for that! Way to go, such an original look, just love it!

  2. So cute and creative! Love it all! I hope you will link this up to the Fall, Halloween Wreaths challenge over at my blog, The CSI Project.
    You can start linking up Wednesday night! Come on over!!!
    We are having a great giveaway too!
    Each week is a new craft challenge!

  3. So creative! I love the recycled element of it. And the old newspapers kind of gives it a spooky look as well! Such a good job!

  4. It is so cute! Nice work. 🙂 I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween!

  5. I love this and Halloween!!! It’s going on my front door!

    And, since you love All Hallow’s Eve too….When I was in high school we lived in a subdivision and our porch would smell like urine by the end of Halloween night. We had a blast scaring teens to death. People would set up across the street and video. It was awesome!!! Yes, I know that’s a bit sadistic but you’d understand after being kicked half a million times lying there being a ‘body’.

    And, of course I’m not evil so we never scared little ones…. I miss subdivisions around the holidays ’cause country doesn’t decorate. 🙁


  6. A fabulous project, you must have plenty of patience! lol

  7. wow wow wow so clever, love it and thank you for sharing your brilliant idea xxx

  8. This is so effective and what a fabulous idea for Halloween

    Joan x

  9. Wow what a fabulous project for Halloween! It looks great on your wall underneath all your other wonderful decorations! TFS the tutorial on how to make it also! xx

  10. What an AWESOME wreath!!!! I love it!!!!! Love the bats, perfect for Halloween!!! Great job!!!!

  11. *LOVE* this! I don’t think I have the time (or patience) to do this as I am working a full time job now. I pretty much need 20 minute projects these days. LOL I have pinned this though! I like the printable you have in the picture as well! What great Halloween decorations!



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