Banana Cake Using Oil Recipe

Economical Banana Cake Using Oil: A Moist and Tasty Recipe

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Looking for a wallet-friendly and tasty dessert? You’ve found it with this banana cake using oil. It’s moist and delicious, perfect for those who love baking. And it won’t cost you a fortune. By using oil instead of butter, you keep the flavor and save money.

This recipe is a great pick for many reasons. It’s cheap and quick, needing just 10 minutes to get ready. You probably have the ingredients at home already. All you need are ripe bananas, vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, and a few others.

Home bakers love this recipe for its easy steps and low cost. Plus, it’s a hit with readers, getting nearly 5-star reviews from over 500 people. The high praise shows just how well it turns out each time you bake it.

Not good at baking? No problem – the instructions are clear, even for novices. You can make it special by adding chocolate chips or nuts if you like. It’s perfect for parties or just a treat at home. This banana cake will always be a hit.

Don’t miss out! Start baking and enjoy this budget-friendly and delicious banana cake today!

Ingredients and Instructions for Banana Cake Using Oil Recipe

This recipe needs just a few ingredients:

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 ¾ cups granulated sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt

You can jazz it up with these extras:

  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • ¼ cup dried cranberries
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts

Let’s get started with the recipe:

  1. First, preheat the oven to 325°F (160°C). Oil a 9×5-inch bread pan and line it with parchment paper.
  2. Mash the bananas in a big mixing bowl until they’re smooth.
  3. Then, add in the oil, eggs, and sugar. Mix everything really well.
  4. In another bowl, whisk together flour, vanilla, baking soda, powder, and salt.
  5. Now, combine the dry and wet mixtures. Mix only until they’re just blended.
  6. Include any extras now, like chocolate chips or nuts, by folding them in.
  7. Next, pour the batter into the prepared pan, making sure it’s evenly spread.
  8. Bake for 65-70 minutes. Check with a toothpick; if it comes out clean, it’s ready.
  9. After baking, let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
  10. Then, take it out of the pan and let it cool completely on a rack.

This banana cake recipe is easy to play around with. Try different extras or adjust sugar to your liking. Either way, you’ll end up with a tasty, moist cake everyone will love!

Tips for Making the Perfect Banana Cake Using Oil

Making a moist and tasty banana cake with oil is all about the details. Follow some key tips to make sure your cake is perfect every time. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Use ripe bananas: The best bananas for flavor and texture are very ripe ones. Choose bananas with a soft peel and many brown spots. They are sweet and easy to mash, making your cake moist and delicious.

  2. Measure accurately: Getting the banana amount right is crucial for a perfect cake texture. This recipe needs 1 1/2 cups of mashed bananas. Always measure it carefully with a scale or measuring cup for the best result.

  3. Choose the right oil: Pick a vegetable oil that doesn’t have a strong taste, like corn or canola. Such oils keep your cake moist without changing its flavor. Always avoid using old or strongly flavored oils.

  4. Mind the storage and freshness of the oil: Keep an eye on how you store and the freshness of your oil. It should be properly stored and not past its best-by date. Fresh oil guarantees the best taste in your cake.

  5. Mix the batter gently: Be gentle when you mix the batter. Beating it too much makes the cake tough. Mix until everything is just combined. This method ensures your cake is light and fluffy.

  6. Add delicious mix-ins: Think about tossing in some chocolate chips or walnuts. They not only taste good but also add a fun texture to your cake.

“For a top-notch banana cake, focus on ripe bananas, precise measuring, the right oil, gentle mixing, and tasty extras. With these strategies, you’ll bake a cake that’s moist and yummy, beloved by all!”

Moist Banana Cake Comparison

Recipe Mashed Bananas Oil Texture Rating
Oil Recipe 1 1/2 cups Vegetable oil Moist and fluffy 4.97 stars
Butter Recipe 1 1/2 cups Butter Denser and buttery 4.62 stars

When we stack up different banana cakes, the one with oil always wins in texture. This is because of using ripe bananas and the right kind of oil. It scores an impressive 4.97 stars. Choosing the oil recipe leads to a cake that’s moist and pleasing to all who try it!

With these nuggets of wisdom, you’re set to make the best banana cake with oil. Dive into the wonderful tastes and enjoy every soft bite. Happy baking!

Moist Banana Cake


The economical banana cake recipe uses oil instead of butter. It’s moist and budget-friendly. This recipe is perfect for both new and experienced bakers. You can easily make it your own by adding personal touches.

This banana cake is a great option for anyone looking to save money. It has won many people over with its great taste and texture. Whether you’re new to baking or a pro, you’ll enjoy making and eating this cake.

Why not give this budget-friendly yet delicious banana cake a try? The process is enjoyable and rewarding. Imagine the smell and taste filling your home. This recipe will surely make you a star in your family and friend circle. It’s all about affordable ingredients and great flavor. Get baking for some happy moments and satisfy your sweet tooth!


Can I use butter instead of oil in the banana cake recipe?

A: No, please use vegetable oil as directed in this recipe. It makes the cake moist and flavorful. You won’t miss the butter.

Can I customize the banana cake by adding mix-ins?

A: Adding chocolate chips, nuts, or cranberries is a great idea. It lets you change the taste and texture to what you like.

How many servings does this banana cake yield?

A: You’ll usually get 12 slices from this recipe. But, the number of servings can change based on how big the slices are.

How long does it take to bake the banana cake using oil?

A: Bake the cake at 325°F for 65-70 minutes or until it’s golden brown. Follow the simple instructions for a perfect result.

Can I modify the recipe to adjust the sweetness?

A: Feel free to change the sugar to make it suit your taste. Add more or less sugar if you prefer it sweeter or less sweet.

What type of oil should I use?

A: Use a neutral oil like corn or canola. Oils with strong flavors might not work well with the cake.

How should I store the banana cake?

A: Store the cake in an airtight container when it’s completely cool. It will stay good at room temperature for 3 days or longer in the fridge.

Can I freeze the banana cake?

A: Freezing is fine and can keep the cake fresh for up to 3 months. Make sure it’s wrapped well in plastic or in a sealed container.

Can I use this recipe to make cupcakes instead of a cake?

A: Making cupcakes is possible with this recipe. Just adjust the baking time to 15-20 minutes. When they’re golden and cooked, they’re ready.

Can I substitute other fruits for bananas in this recipe?

A: Sorry, but bananas are needed for this cake. Using other fruits will change the final cake’s taste and texture too much.

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