Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe

Effortless Indulgence: Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe

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Our Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe is a heavenly treat that’s simple to make. It needs just a few ingredients. You can get the joy of homemade cookies without the work of baking. Let’s explore this easy delight.

Want a sweet treat that’s simple? Try our Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe. It’s a breeze to make and tastes fantastic. In just 15 minutes, you get delicious cookies to enjoy.

Crushed biscuits are key in this recipe. Use 7 oz (200 g) of your fave biscuits. Mix them with margarine or vegan butter, dark chocolate, brown sugar, and cocoa for a fudgy base.

For extra luxury, we add dark chocolate and single soy cream on top. This makes each bite rich and sophisticated.

You can keep these cookies in different ways. At room temp, they stay fresh for 2-3 days. In the fridge, they last 5-6 days. Or freeze them for 2-3 months.

Feel free to add your touch to this recipe. Mix in nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or flavors like rum. Be adventurous and make these cookies your own.

Ready for the joy of Lazy Cake Cookies? Follow our guide and impress everyone with these treats. We also offer tips for cutting and serving.

Why wait? Dive into this simple, luxurious baking journey. Try our Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe. It’s a treat your taste buds will love!

Click here

for the full recipe on My Vegan Minimalist.

The Allure of Lazy Cake Cookies

Lazy Cake Cookies have become a big hit for a good reason. They blend the rich taste of brownies with the ease of no-bake treats. You don’t have to be a baking expert to make them. In just 15 minutes, you can have these cookies ready.

What makes Lazy Cake Cookies stand out is how quickly you can make them. With just a few basic ingredients, you can whip up a tasty treat. This recipe is perfect for anyone, even if you’re not good at baking.

These cookies are also great because you can change them up. Try adding peanut butter or cookie butter to mix things up. This means you can make the cookies just how you like them, creating tasty new combos.

The true charm of Lazy Cake Cookies is in their simplicity and taste. They’re ideal when you want something sweet quickly or to impress others with minimal effort. So, give this recipe a go and enjoy the irresistible Lazy Cake Cookies.

More No-Bake Dessert Recipes

If no-bake desserts are your thing, here are more recipes to explore:

  1. Fudgy Brownie Bites: These are small, easy to make, and perfect for a quick chocolate fix.
  2. No-Bake Cheesecake: Enjoy a smooth cheesecake without using an oven. Add your favourite fruits or toppings to make it your own.
  3. Icebox Cake: Combine graham crackers and whipped cream for a simple yet delicious dessert. No oven needed.

Like Lazy Cake Cookies, these recipes are easy and tasty. They let you make wonderful desserts without any hassle!

Ingredients and Preparation

To whip up the Lazy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars, you just need a few basic items. The ingredients list is short: cake mix, melted butter, eggs, and chocolate chips. Feel free to get creative with the cake mix. Try flavors like red velvet, chocolate, or birthday cake to make it your own.

Now, we’ll look at how to make these tasty cookie bars.

  1. Preheat your oven to the temperature on the cake mix package, usually around 350°F (175°C).
  2. Mix the cake mix, melted butter, and eggs in a big bowl until they’re all blended together.
  3. Next, mix in the chocolate chips so they’re spread out evenly in the batter.
  4. Pour the mix into a greased or lined baking tray. A 9×13 inch tray is perfect, but a smaller one makes them thicker.
  5. Even out the batter with a spatula to make sure it’s flat.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven following the cake mix instructions or until the edges turn golden.
  7. After baking, let the cookie bars cool down completely in the tray.
  8. Enhance your cookie bars with some toppings. You could use melted chocolate, powdered sugar, or even ice cream. You decide!

Storing these cookie bars is easy. Keep them in a sealed container at room temperature to stay fresh for up to 5 days. They can be frozen for 3 months, too. Just wrap them well in plastic or foil before freezing.

Nutritional Information per Serving Amount
Calories 376
Carbohydrates 50g
Protein 4g
Fat 18g
Sodium 369mg
Fiber 3g
Sugar 29g

So, start by gathering all you need, then follow these straightforward steps. Indulge in these divine Lazy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars. After one bite, you’ll see why everyone loves them!

Cookie Bars


The Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe is a dream for those who love to bake but don’t have much time. It’s been a favourite for 27 years, proving it’s a timeless choice. It’s excellent for quick occasions like kids’ birthday parties or unplanned get-togethers.

This recipe is both simple and adjustable. With a few basic ingredients and clear steps, you can whip up a fantastic treat quickly. It’s ideal for busy parents or anyone short on time but craving homemade sweets.

Feel free to get creative with this recipe. Try adding different sweets, nuts, or swap the chocolate chips for other treats. Playing with the flavours is easy, and it doesn’t change the cooking time. So, you can experiment without any stress.

For the best results, follow trusted advice, like the original Pillsbury recipe or tips from seasoned bakers. Their experience can elevate your Lazy Cake Cookies. Give it a go and enjoy the results of effortless baking. You’ll delight in these easy-to-make cookies.


Can I use regular butter instead of margarine or vegan butter in the recipe?

Yes, regular butter can be used instead of margarine or vegan butter in the Lazy Cake Cookie Recipe.

How long do Lazy Cake Cookies take to set?

Lazy Cake Cookies need at least 2 hours in the fridge. They must become firm before slicing into cookies.

Can I use different types of biscuits/cookies in the recipe?

Absolutely! Trying different biscuits/cookies can bring unique tastes and textures to your Lazy Cake Cookies.

Can I store leftover Lazy Cake Cookies?

Yes, keep leftover Lazy Cake Cookies in a sealed container at room temperature for 5 days. For a longer shelf life, refrigerate them.

Can I add nuts or dried fruits to the recipe?

Indeed, you can enhance Lazy Cake Cookies by mixing in chopped nuts or dried fruits for extra taste and texture.


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