Eric Carle Biography
If you are asked to name a famous children’s book author Eric Carle is probably one of the first to come to mind. Whether you are planning to teach your child, your class or just interested to learn more yourself this Eric Carle Biography will give you some quick facts on one of the most… Continue Reading
Coffee before workout?
With the New Year brings new resolutions. Of my personal resolutions is to get healthy. (Isn’t that everyone’s resolution this time of year?!) I’ve been reading a lot about coffee before workout. Should you do it? Should you not? Does it really even make a difference? Surprise….. YES! It does make a difference. Many experts… Continue Reading
Best Morning Workout
Mornings can be hectic. I know I’m busy up getting ready for my day as well as helping everyone else get up and get ready for their day! But I also know that if I don’t sneak in some sort of activity into my morning I’m more than likely going to get busy and forget… Continue Reading
History of Cookies
We are celebrating cookies this month during our Baking Club! I thought what better way to start than with a little history of cookies. Did you know that cookies were originally made on accident? Cooks used a small amount of batter to test the oven temperature prior to cooking a cake. The cakes were called… Continue Reading