Taro Cookies Recipe

Exotic Twist: Taro Cookies Recipe

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Attention, adventurous bakers! Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with a delightful twist on a classic favorite.

Introducing ube crinkle cookies, a Filipino-American creation that combines the vibrant flavors of the unique purple yam called ube with the beloved crinkle cookie recipe. These cookies are the perfect mix of sweet and earthy flavors. They are sure to impress both your taste and your guests.

You might be wondering, what’s the difference between ube and taro? These two tubers are distinct, although they offer similar flavors. Ube is typically used in sweet dishes. Taro often stars in savory Filipino dishes.

This Christmas, try making ube crinkle cookies for a burst of color and flavor. These vibrant purple cookies will light up any dessert table. They make the perfect homemade gift for loved ones.

What makes these cookies truly special? It’s how the ube flavor grows stronger over time. This makes them even more delicious days after baking. Enjoying these cookies the day after enhances their softness and taste.

Click here for the recipe featured in The Kitchn’s “Quarantine Cookies” series. Developed by the owner of Brooklyn Kolache, these cookies showcase Filipino-American innovation.

The ube crinkle cookie recipe includes ingredients like flour, baking powder, butter, eggs, ube jam, purple food coloring, ube extract, vanilla extract, and sugar. Ube jam is preferred because it’s easier to work with than fresh ube.

To get the bright purple color, you need purple food coloring. The natural ube alone won’t do it. Also, 1 teaspoon of ube extract is crucial for the right flavor and color. You can find ube extract at Asian markets or online.

Leaving out the ube extract might make the cookies dull, as ube’s subtle taste needs that boost.

So, if you love Filipino cuisine, unique flavors, or want to try something exciting, these taro cookies are for you. Start baking for a flavorful adventure that’s fun to make and eat!

What is Ube and its Importance in Filipino Cuisine

Ube is known as purple yam and is very important in Filipino food. It belongs to the sweet potato family and comes from the Philippines. It’s loved for its deep purple colour and sweet, nutty taste. Ube is used in many traditional Filipino sweets and dishes.

Ube has a unique taste that’s sweet and rich, different from taro. It’s a favourite for making delicious sweets and baked items. A well-known ube product is ube halaya jam, made by boiling, peeling, grating, and mashing the ube.

There’s also ube extract, like vanilla extract but for ube. It adds flavour and colour to baked goods. This extract is essential for giving desserts their characteristic purple look.

Ube is now popular in Western food as well. Its bright colour and distinct taste have inspired new recipes like cookies and pies, bringing a fun twist to the usual.

Ube’s bright purple makes it easy to spot. In contrast, taro is brown, round, and rough, like a potato. Ube is also unique because of its purple inside, while taro is white and turns light purple when cooked.

Ube is a great alternative to taro in milk tea. It offers a new taste and a beautiful purple colour.

The Popularity of Ube

Recently, ube has become very popular in the West. Its exotic taste and bright colour have caught the eye of adventurous bakers and cooks. Now you can find ube ingredients like extract and purple food colouring in Asian supermarkets and online shops like Amazon.

Ube’s sweet and nutty taste makes it versatile for different sweets. For example, ube crinkle cookies for the holidays started in 2016 and have been loved since. They impress with a soft texture and a taste that reminds people of pistachio and vanilla.

To sum up, ube is very special in Filipino food, thanks to its taste and colour. It adds something special to a wide variety of desserts and dishes. This makes ube a cherished and flexible ingredient in both traditional and new recipes.

Tips for Making Perfect Ube White Chocolate Cookies

If you’re after a unique and delightful treat, Ube White Chocolate Cookies are it. They mix ube’s rich flavour with creamy white chocolate. This combo creates a taste that will wow everyone. Here’s how to make sure your cookies are fantastic every time.

1. Select Fresh and Naturally Sweet Ube: It’s key to pick fresh and sweet ube for these cookies. This makes the ube taste really stand out. Use top-quality ube jam or ube halaya for the best results.

2. Balance Wet and Dry Ingredients: Perfect cookies come from the right balance of wet and dry bits. Stick closely to the recipe and measure everything right. This gets you the perfect dough for your cookies.

3. Mix, Rest, and Bake with Care: Baking Ube White Chocolate Cookies needs the right technique. Mix well but don’t overdo it, or your cookies might be too dense. Let the dough cool in the fridge for at least 3 hours before baking. Bake at 350F (about 175°C) for 10-11 minutes. The cookies should be just set and slightly golden.

4. Get Creative: The ube and white chocolate mix is great on its own. But feel free to add your spin. Try throwing in chopped nuts or extra chocolate chips. Or, mix in different extracts or spices for your special take on these cookies.

Keep these tips in mind for the best Ube White Chocolate Cookies. Enjoy their stunning purple colour and blend of ube and white chocolate. These cookies are impressive, no matter if you’re a baking pro or just starting. Happy baking!


Are Ube crinkle cookies the same as taro cookies?

No, Ube crinkle cookies use ube, a unique purple yam. It has a distinct flavor. It is different from taro in Filipino cuisine.

What is the flavor of Ube crinkle cookies?

Ube crinkle cookies are soft and cakey. They have a subtle, earthy flavor thanks to the ube.

What gives Ube crinkle cookies their vibrant purple color?

A: The vibrant purple color of Ube crinkle cookies comes from the ube, the purple yam.

How is ube used in Filipino cuisine?

Ube is widely used in Filipino dishes. It’s often made into ube halaya jam. You can also find ube extract to boost flavor and color in baking.

What are some tips for making perfect Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

For perfect Ube White Chocolate Cookies, choose fresh and sweet ube.

Use top-quality white chocolate. Get the wet and dry ingredient mix right.

And follow the correct steps for mixing, resting, and baking.

Can I add mix-ins to Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

Yes, feel free to add mix-ins like nuts or chocolate chips. This will customize your Ube White Chocolate Cookies.

Can I experiment with different flavors in Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

Absolutely! Experiment with different flavors to create unique Ube White Chocolate Cookies.

Are there vegan and gluten-free options for Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

Yes, you can make vegan and gluten-free Ube White Chocolate Cookies. Just use suitable alternatives for dairy and wheat.

How should I store Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

Keep your Ube White Chocolate Cookies in an airtight container. Store them at room temperature to stay fresh.

How can I serve Ube White Chocolate Cookies?

Serve Ube White Chocolate Cookies as a lovely snack. They’re great with tea, coffee, or milk.


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