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Fitness Level Printable: Track Your Progress!

I’ve been getting ready for 2017 and the new resolutions that come with it. Ok, well the same resolution, except this year….Y’all, this is the year that it get’s done! For me personally, it’s not about seeing a certain number on the scale or even about a particular pair of jeans. It’s about making progress, finding the joy that I used to find in working out (something I will be honest, lately, I have been dragging my feet dreading) and being able to say that I live a healthy lifestyle. And, if that number on the scale comes or those special jeans I’ve been saving in the back of my closet end up fitting, then that’s just a bonus.

So. Where to start right?

First, join our free Facebook group. No, it’s not a place to have someone try to sell you a workout or supplements. Instead:

  • Healthy challenges (small things you can do each day)
  • Monthly fitness challenges (January’s challenge is all about lunges)
  • Recipes
  • Tips, tricks, advice
  • Giveaways just for that group
  • Accountability
  • Support
  • Community
  • It’s fun. This is a safe place for people of all starting points – whether you have 100 pounds to lose, you are working on better nutrition, or you have been living a healthy lifestyle for a while now but just want like minded friends. Whatever your reason, welcome!

How To Take Your Body Measurements Free Printable Tracker

Now that we are all friends, let’s work on being able to see that progress. Remember, it’s not just about the scale. One other way to track progress is by measuring your body in inches. You can get our free printable tracker here as well as learn the proper way to take measurements.

Another way to track progress is by tracking your workouts. At first, working out is hard. But after a while, you get faster, stronger, more flexible. This is a great way to track that progress!

In the first column, you will write down the exercise you are tracking. In the second column, track where you are today. Then, in the following columns, when you retest yourself in one month, two, etc write down your new results.

Here is one with a few exercises written in that I plan on using. Before you start, decide how you are going to test yourself. For me, for exercises like crunches, burpees, push ups and the stairs, I plan on giving myself 2 minutes and I will record the number that I was able to get done. For the plank, I plan on timing how long I can keep it in proper form.

There are extra spaces – you can fill them with whatever you would like and to reflect whatever goals you have! Maybe you want to track how many laps you can swim at the pool. Or maybe you got a fitness dvd but you can’t quite make it through the whole thing yet. Why not write down how many minutes you were able to accomplish? Do you have a treadmill? Track how fast you can walk/run a mile.

Another way that this form can be useful is for weight training. Print off the blank version and take it to the gym. Write down how many reps or sets you did and at what weight.

The numbers at the top don’t have to reflect months! Maybe you are retesting and tracking weekly.

However it works for you and for your goals is exactly how you should use it!

To print, simply right click to save it to your computer and print!

fitness tracker

I hope to see you in our Facebook group! Don’t forget to pin!

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