Categories: Tarts

Fruit and Nut: Recipe for Apple Frangipane Tart

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Calling all dessert lovers! If you’re craving a sweet and rich treat, this Apple Frangipane Tart is perfect for you. You’ll love every bite of this delicious dessert.

Our Apple Frangipane Tart begins with a buttery crust. This is the base for the smooth frangipane filling. The filling is a mix of almond pulp, eggs, sugar, and butter. It creates a soft, almond-flavored center.

To make the almond pulp, keep the almond meal from your nut milk. Spread this pulp out and dry it in the oven. This process enhances its almond taste and texture.

After preparing the crust and filling, it’s time to assemble the tart. Top it with slices of fresh apples for a fruity touch. You can also add some preserves on top for extra flavor.

This recipe guides you through making the crust, filling, and putting the tart together. With its lovely mix of fruit and nuts, the Apple Frangipane Tart is perfect for any special event.

How to Use Leftover Almond Pulp in Frangipane Tart

Almond pulp comes from making nut milk and shouldn’t be thrown away. It’s fantastic in a frangipane tart, offering a nutty base. Here’s how to use it well:

  1. Spread about 2-4 cups of fresh, wet almond pulp on a baking sheet.
  2. Bake the almond pulp at 200°F for over 2 hours, stirring every 30-45 minutes.
  3. After baking, let it cool, then store in a freezer-proof bag.

Ready to make the tart filling? Grab your homemade almond pulp. Also gather eggs, sugar, and butter. These make the filling creamy and sweet. Follow these steps to assemble your tart:

  1. Bake the tart crust as directed until it’s lightly browned.
  2. Mix almond pulp with sugar, melted butter, eggs, and extracts until smooth.
  3. Spread the filling over the crust.
  4. Add thinly sliced Envy apples atop, arranging them nicely.
  5. Optionally, brush with apricot preserves for extra flavour and shine.
  6. Bake until the filling sets and apples soften.
  7. Broil briefly for a golden finish, watching carefully.

Once baked, let your tart cool a bit before serving. Whether warm or cold, it’s delightful. A scoop of Greek-style yogurt or crème fraîche makes it even better. The almond pulp and apples make a tasty mix that’ll impress anyone.

Baking Tips:

For a great tart, here are some tips:

  • Grease the tart pan to avoid sticking.
  • For a thinner tart, use a bigger pan and roll the crust thinner.
  • Try different preserves on top, like apricot. Pick what you like.
  • No almond pulp? Almond meal works too, but it tastes a bit different.

Use leftover almond pulp to cut waste and add a special touch to your tart. Enjoy its unique taste and pleasing texture with each bite!

Tips for Making the Perfect Apple Frangipane Tart

To make a great Apple Frangipane Tart, start by greasing your tart pan. This stops the tart crust from sticking and breaking. A well-greased pan means you can serve it easily too.

If you like a thinner tart, use a larger pan and roll the crust thinner. This makes the crust delicate. It balances nicely with the creamy frangipane and apple rosettes on top.

For the frangipane filling, try using different preserves to brush on the tart. They add a glossy look and a flavour burst. Apricot preserves are a good choice, but you can try other flavours too.

If you don’t have almond pulp, almond meal is a good alternative. It adds a nutty flavour and soft texture. But if you can, use almond pulp for a unique taste and slight chewiness.

You can enjoy the Apple Frangipane Tart warm or cold. It suits any event and tastes great with Greek-style yogurt or crème fraîche. Why not give making this tart a go today?


Can I use almond meal instead of almond pulp in the frangipane filling?

Yes, you can switch almond pulp for almond meal. However, almond meal is a more expensive type of flour.

How should I store the dried almond pulp?

Store the dried almond pulp in the freezer. This keeps it ready for when you need it.

What kind of preserves can I use for brushing on top of the tart?

Choose any preserves you like. However, many people love using apricot preserves for this.

What is the best way to prevent sticking to the tart pan?

To avoid sticking, always grease your tart pan well.

Can I use a larger pan for a thinner tart?

For a thinner tart, feel free to use a bigger pan. Also, roll out the crust a bit thinner.


Laura Bremner

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