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How to clean a vinyl or plastic shower curtain

Disclaimer: I’m so embarrassed to post this.

In our shower we have a cheap plastic shower curtain (yes, it is a PVC free shower curtain – but still a cheap one!) and then we have our nicer fabric shower curtain over it. I clean our bathroom once a week – on Tuesdays actually, because I’m kind of OCD and like to do things on certain days. And every Tuesday I wash our bathroom mats and the fabric shower curtain. And every Tuesday I say I’m going to wash our plastic one because it is so gross, but I thought I would have to scrub it and I just never had time.

Holy cow it can go in the washing machine – and come COMPLETELY clean! Had no clue! Or else I would have done it a long time ago.

I guess the time has come I have to finally post a picture huh?

I told you … ewww!!!

You never really realize how disgusting something is until you take a picture of it to put on the Internet for the whole world to see.
Seriously, I’m hanging my head in shame.
So I was planning on just buying a new one. This one was pretty gross , no this one was nasty.
But it was so easy to clean!!

Toss it in the washing machine (I put a couple towels in with it). Shake some baking soda in there (very technical I know) then your laundry detergent and wash. I washed mine with hot water and on the gentle cycle.

When it’s done hang it up to dry.


After. Ah much better.

Because everyone knows you need a side by side before and after shot! 🙂

Happy cleaning!




  1. today seems to be the day for Mommy bloggers to confess. It is OK. I have been there and done that. Now I just take bathes. No shower curtain to mold. Isn’t baking soda wonderful and so inexpensive.

  2. Loving your blog! I am your newest follower and I found you through the mommy challenge on pinterest. I am so pumped to start this, especially since my youngest will be leaving to college in exactly one year. I hope I can make it through every challenge! You can follow my mommy journey with 2 teenage girls, 1 almost 50 husband, and a 3 year Shitzu at the link below.

  3. Thanks for showing us your dirty shower curtain! – mine is the same and I was in need of tips on how to clean it – glad you shared the results…no shame on something dirty when you wash it to continue to use it rather than just tossing it out 🙂

    • Thanks Juliana for making me feel not so guilty about having a dirty shower curtain! I swear it doesn’t reflect the rest of my house! 🙂 Glad it helped!!

  4. Is it the same process for a front loader or do I have to put the baking soda in a compartment in the soap drawer instead of straight in the drum?


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