Categories: Cherry Cakes

How to Make the Perfect Cherry Almond Cake

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Welcome to our recipe for the Perfect Cherry Almond Cake! This cake is so simple, you only need one bowl and no mixer. It’s all about sweet cherries and almond flavors. The cake is moist with a lovely almond glaze that will make everyone happy. Once you taste it, you won’t be able to stop.

It’s cherry season, and that means making this cake is a real treat. You just need a few ingredients that you likely have at home.

To make this cake, gather almond flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, butter, sugar, lemon zest, eggs, vanilla, almond extract, milk, and fresh cherries. We’ve got you covered with the steps. It will be fun and easy to make this special treat.

After baking your cake, let it cool before cutting. Dust with powdered sugar for elegance. Or enjoy with yogurt for a special coffee or tea time. There are many great ways to enjoy this Cherry Almond Cake.

Keep following for more of the recipe. We will talk about the ingredients and how to make the cake. Get ready to bake the Best Cherry Almond Cake ever!

Ingredients and Preparation

To craft this Cherry Almond Cake, you’ll use straightforward ingredients. These simple flavors blend to make a moist treat. One that’s hard to resist.

Gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups fresh sweet cherries, pitted and halved

With all ingredients ready, let’s begin. These steps will transform your kitchen into a bakery.

  1. First, heat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and prep a pan.
  2. Then, in a bowl mix almond flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. Set it aside.
  3. Next, cream butter, sugar, and zest together in a big bowl until light.
  4. Beat in eggs one by one. Add vanilla and almond extracts.
  5. Now, in turns, mix dry and wet ingredients into the butter mix. Start and finish with the dry mix. Stir until barely mixed.
  6. Finally, carefully add the cherries.
  7. Spread the batter in the pan.
  8. Bake for around 45 to 50 minutes, until a toothpick is clean.
  9. Let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then move it to a rack.

With your cake done, the kitchen smells amazing. Savor this homemade Cherry Almond Cake. It’s perfect for celebrations or as a sweet slice for yourself.

Serving and Storage Suggestions

After baking, let the Cherry Almond Cake cool completely before taking it out of the pan. This helps keep its shape and texture.

Serving this treat offers a few choices. You can serve it warm or at room temperature. For a lovely look and extra sweetness, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top.

Want to make this cake more exciting? Add a bit of yogurt. The yogurt’s tanginess goes great with the cherries and almonds, making it even tastier.

For storage, an airtight container at room temp keeps the cake good for three days. If you want to save it for up to five, refrigerate it. Just know, it might get a little denser in the fridge.


Can I use frozen cherries instead of fresh cherries in this recipe?

Yes, frozen cherries work well. Ensure you thaw them fully and drain extra liquid first.

Can I substitute the almond flour with another type of flour?

Almond flour adds a special touch but feel free to use all-purpose flour. Just know the texture may change slightly.

Can I make this cake in advance?

You sure can. It keeps well for a few days. Store it in a sealed container in the fridge or at room temperature.

Remember to let it warm to room temperature before you enjoy it.

Can I use almond milk instead of regular milk?

Absolutely. Using almond milk will make the flavor a little different, with a hint of almond.

Can I add other fruits to this cake?

For sure! The recipe is great for experimenting. Mix it up with raspberries, blueberries, or peaches.

Can I freeze this cake?

Yes, this cake freezes well. Store it properly wrapped in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before serving again.

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Tessa Leaven

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