Categories: Cookies

Lakeside Treats: Craft Your Own Sugar Cookie Recipe Land O Lakes

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Create a delightful lakeside treat by crafting your own sugar cookies using the Land O Lakes recipe. This recipe is perfect for perfecting your baking skills and indulging in homemade treats.

By following this recipe, you can craft delicious sugar cookies that are sure to please your taste buds.

Ingredients and Instructions

To make a delicious batch of sugar cookies using Land O Lakes’ recipe, gather simple ingredients from your pantry. You’ll need the following:

  • Land O Lakes butterLand O Lakes butter brings a rich, creamy flavour to the cookies.
  • All-purpose flour – Essential for any cookie, it gives them structure and texture.
  • Eggs – They combine ingredients, adding moisture and richness.
  • Sugar – Sweetens the cookies and gives them a lovely golden edge.
  • Milk – A splash makes the cookies tender and chewy.
  • Vanilla extract – Enhances the cookie’s flavour with a pleasant aroma.

With the ingredients set, it’s time for the instructions:

  1. Start by melting the Land O Lakes butter in a microwave-safe mug. This method is handy and quick.
  2. Next, mix the melted butter with flour, eggs, sugar, milk, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Combine well until smooth.
  3. Pour the dough back into the mug and microwave. Cook until the edges are set and the top is dry. Cooking time varies, so watch it closely.
  4. Let the cookies cool for a minute before serving them.
  5. Enjoy the cookies with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for a special treat.

Prepare for the wonderful smell and taste of homemade cookies. Land O Lakes butter makes this recipe a true joy.

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Tips and Variations

Making sugar cookies using Land O Lakes’ recipe is a joy. This recipe is not just tasty, but it also comes with smart tips and fun ways to make them. Whether you want a new taste or need a great birthday idea, Land O Lakes has what you need.

Here’s a neat tip from the recipe: Use a 12-ounce coffee mug to shape your cookies. It makes your cookies look special and keeps them all the same size and shape. And it’s a great way to have fun with your family.

This recipe’s beauty lies in its flexibility. You can follow it exactly, or you can easily change it for special times or preferences. For example, brighten it up with festive sprinkles. Or make it richer by adding chocolate chips. There’s so much you can do!

Want to make a unique birthday gift with these sugar cookies? Land O Lakes has a great idea. Just layer all the dry ingredients in a mug. Add a birthday candle inside a gift bag and a note explaining how to make the cookie cake. It’s a sweet and thoughtful gift that brightens any birthday.

Double the Fun

Need to bake more cookies for a group or for yourself? The recipe explains how to easily double the batch. This means more yummy cookies for everyone. It’s perfect for parties, gatherings, or when you just crave these delightful treats.

Tips and Variations

Tips Variations
Use a 12-ounce coffee mug to shape the cookies Add festive sprinkles to the dough
Involve the whole family in the baking process Mix in chocolate chips for an indulgent twist
Create a birthday gift by layering dry ingredients in a mug

Don’t be afraid to play around with the recipe. Try different variations to find your own favourite sugar cookie. Whether enjoying them at home or sharing with family, Land O Lakes cookies will be a hit every time.


Crafting your own sugar cookies with the Land O Lakes recipe is a satisfying experience. It allows you to make tasty treats at home. You’ll find joy in baking while tasting the sugary goodness of these cookies.
Land O Lakes butter gives the cookies a rich and creamy taste. This makes them even more delicious.

If you’re baking for a special event or just to enjoy a snack, these cookies are perfect. The recipe ensures your cookies come out perfectly every time. So, get your ingredients, heat up your oven, and fill your house with the sweet scent of fresh cookies.

Making sugar cookies from scratch turns simple ingredients into something special. It’s a way to satisfy your sweet tooth. You also get to show off your creativity and love.
Choosing homemade over store-bought is a great decision. Enjoy the process with Land O Lakes’s trusted recipe. It turns baking into a fun and rewarding experience.


Can I use a different brand of butter for the sugar cookies?

You sure can use a different butter brand instead of Land O Lakes. The recipe allows for this change.

How long do the sugar cookies need to cool before serving?

Let the sugar cookies cool for a minute. Then, they’re ready to enjoy with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Can I make the sugar cookies without a microwave?

The recipe from Land O Lakes needs to be microwaved. Without a microwave, it’s hard to get the same great taste.

How long do the sugar cookies last?

Sugar cookies keep well for a week in an airtight container. They stay fresh and tasty for that time.

Can I customize the sugar cookies with additional ingredients?

Definitely! The Land O Lakes recipe is open to changes and extra ingredients. You can try different mix-ins and flavours to make them yours.

Can I double the Land O Lakes sugar cookie recipe?

Yes, you can double the recipe. It guides you on how to make more of these yummy sugar cookies.

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Saffron Gourmet

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Saffron Gourmet

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