Categories: Coconut Cakes

Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake: A Festive Treat

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Welcome to a world of old-fashioned comfort with Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake. It’s moist and delicious, perfect for any festive event. The cake mixes coconut and cherries for a taste that you’ll love.

Made with Mary Berry’s special touch, this cake celebrates classic flavors. Each bite mixes sweet and tropical tastes, making you want more. Have it with tea or at a party, and your friends and family will be amazed.

With a slice of Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake, you’ll feel joy from the blend of flavors. It’s a perfect treat for the holiday season. Enjoy and celebrate with this tasty cake, and taste the magic of Mary Berry’s baking.

Ingredients and Preparation

Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake is a sweet dessert. It mixes coconut’s tropical taste with cherries’ tang. You’ll need:

  • Stork margarine or unsalted butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Eggs
  • Vanilla extract
  • Self-raising flour
  • Double cream
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Glaze cherry halves
  • Orange zest

First, cream margarine or butter with sugar until fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla, mix well.

Add cream and flour, then mix. Fold in zest, cherries, and coconut for flavor.

“The coconut and cherry combination creates a tropical twist that will transport you to a paradise of flavors.”

Pour the batter into a prepared tin evenly. This cake is baked in layers.

Bake at 160°C, then lower heat to 150°C. It should be golden and fully cooked.

Let the cake cool after baking. It will smell amazing in your kitchen.

A Celebration of Flavor

Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake is a flavor party. Coconut gives a tropical note, while cherries add sweetness. It’s moist, making it perfect for any time.

This cake is great for dessert or with tea. Your guests will love it and ask for more.

Next, we’ll share tips on serving and creative twists to spice up this classic.

Serving and Tips

Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake tastes best when it’s cool. It’s perfect for enjoying with a cup of tea or as a dessert for a special event.

The secret to making this cake great is following the right advice. To stop the cherries from sinking in the batter, coat them lightly in flour. This helps them stay spread evenly in the cake.

To make the cake look even better, save some cherries to put on top. Not only does this make the cake pretty but it adds to the taste too.

Another good idea is to sprinkle some extra sugar on top before you bake it. This makes a nice, crunchy layer. It also brings out the coconut and cherry flavors.

Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake is a top pick for any party. It’s easy to make and everyone loves it. Just follow the tips and your baking will be a hit.


Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake is a true classic. It’s known for being moist and full of flavor. It’s an old favorite that many love.

This cake is not just delicious, it’s also easy to make. It’s ideal for any gathering. With its coconut and cherry flavor, it will win over everyone.

Enjoy a slice with some tea or as a treat after a meal. Making this cake is like a journey back in time. It represents the best in baking.

Why not bake Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake yourself? It’ll make your home smell amazing. Your family and friends will love it.

This dessert will make you feel warm inside. It’s all about the taste of coconut and cherry. It’s a delight that brings joy.


Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter in Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake?

Yes, you can use salted butter instead of unsalted butter. But, remember to cut back on the recipe’s extra salt. This keeps the flavors balanced well.

Can I substitute the Stork margarine with another type of margarine or spread?

Yes, you can switch Stork margarine with a similar product. Be careful to pick one that matches in texture and taste. Note, results might vary by brand.

Is it necessary to line the cake tin before pouring in the batter?

Yes, lining the cake tin is a good idea. Use parchment paper or greaseproof. It prevents the cake from sticking, making it easy to remove.

Can I use fresh cherries instead of glaze cherries in Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake?

You can use fresh cherries instead of glace cherries. But, fresh ones add more moisture. This can change the cake’s texture. Adjust baking time and temperature as needed.

Can I make Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake in advance?

Making the cake ahead is fine. Keep it in an airtight container. It lasts at room temperature for 2 days, or refrigerate for 5 days. Remember to let it warm to room temperature before serving.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s Coconut and Cherry Cake?

Freezing this cake is a good option. Wrap it well in plastic or foil, or use a freezer-safe container. It’s good in the freezer for 3 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge, then let it warm to room temperature to enjoy.

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Laura Bremner

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