Mary Berry Date and Banana Cake

Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake: A Rich Flavor Experience

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Ready to join Mary Berry in a tasty adventure? Her Date and Banana Cake will bring joy to your senses. With its rich taste and indulgent appeal, it’s truly something special.

This cake combines dates’ natural sweetness with the gentle flavor of banana.Each bite offers a perfect mix of tastes. You won’t be able to resist another slice.

What makes Mary Berry’s cake stand out is its easy recipe. It’s perfect for both experienced cooks and newbies. No need for special items or difficult steps. Just prepare some dried fruit, brown sugar, tea, flour, lemon zest, and an egg.

The key to its amazing taste is soaking the fruit in tea overnight. This makes the cake moist and packed with flavor. Bake it slowly for the best results.

A slice of this cake is wonderful without anything else. Or enjoy it with some butter. It fits perfectly for tea time, in a lunchbox, or at a picnic. It’s a delightful cake that’s as pretty as it’s delicious.

Mary Berry’s Tea Time Cake Tradition

Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake adds to Britain’s tea time cake tradition. It’s a type of tea bread, filled with dried fruits that are soaked in tea. This cake is loved in Britain and has similar versions in Wales and Ireland.

Mary’s version uses dried fruits like raisins and sultanas, soaking them in hot tea. This step makes the cake extra moist and rich in flavor. What’s great is you can find all the ingredients at your home. So, you can bake it anytime you want.

The tea time cake is a favorite in Britain. It’s a simple yet tasty treat that goes perfectly with tea. This cake represents the warmth and flavor of British baking. People enjoy it in the afternoon or whenever they feel like having a special snack.

Celebrating British Tea Time Cake Varieties

Besides Mary Berry’s cake, there are many other types enjoyed in Britain:

  • Bara Brith: This Welsh tea bread is filled with dried fruits, spices, and often includes tea in the mix.
  • Barm Brack: An Irish favorite during Halloween, it’s packed with dried fruit and sometimes has hidden charms.
  • Cherry Cake: A beloved British fruit cake made with different types of cherries, ideal for celebrations.

This array of cakes shows the creativity in Britain’s tea time cake tradition. Each cake is special, with its own mix of flavors. There’s a tea time cake for everyone’s taste.

“The tea time cake tradition in Britain is steeped in history and has become a beloved part of our culinary heritage. From Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake to regional variations like Bara Brith and Barm Brack, these cakes bring people together and evoke cherished memories.” – Mary Berry

Try making Mary Berry’s cakes to explore this tradition. You’ll enjoy the smells and tastes that have been loved for centuries. Whether you like the classics or want to experiment, the tea time cake tradition is a great way to experience British baking.

Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf Recipe

Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf is well-known and loved. It turns ripe bananas into a tasty, moist treat. You only need a few ingredients to make this treat. It’s great any time of day.

Ripe bananas are the key ingredient. Instead of throwing them out, they add flavor and moistness. Mix them with butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Add a bit of vanilla extract. These simple items make a bread that’s flavorful and moist.

To start, mash ripe bananas until they’re creamy. Next, mix sugar and butter until it’s light. Add and beat the eggs, then the mashed bananas and vanilla. Carefully mix in the flour.

Pour the batter in a lined loaf tin. Bake until it smells delicious and looks golden. The smell will fill your home.

Now, the best part – eating Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf. It’s moist and full of banana flavor. Enjoy it for breakfast, tea, or as a snack. It goes great with coffee. Or, eat it by itself.

Add your twist to the loaf. You can mix in nuts for crunch. Or chocolates for something sweet. A bit of cinnamon or nutmeg adds warm flavor.

Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf is a great way to use ripe bananas. It’s fun to make and turns food waste into a tasty treat. So, get cooking. You’re about to make a bread that everyone will love!

Mary Berry's Banana Bread Loaf Recipe

Ingredients: Instructions:
– 3 ripe bananas, mashed 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/Gas 4. Grease and line a 900g loaf tin.
– 100g butter, softened 2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
– 175g brown sugar 3. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the mashed bananas and vanilla extract.
– 2 eggs 4. Gently fold in the self-raising flour until just combined.
– 225g self-raising flour 5. Transfer the batter into the prepared loaf tin and smooth the top.
– 1 tsp vanilla extract 6. Bake in the preheated oven for about 1 hour or until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.
7. Remove the loaf from the tin and allow it to cool on a wire rack before serving.
8. Enjoy!


Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake and Banana Bread Loaf show her baking skills well. They mix rich flavors with simple tradition, making perfect tea time sweets.

Her date and banana cake is a fun twist on a British classic. The dried fruit is soaked in tea, giving it a moist, tasty boost. It nods to Britain’s long love of tea time cakes.

Mary Berry’s banana bread loaf is a favorite that uses ripe bananas. It turns them into a moist, tasty bread with simple steps, great for anyone to bake.

Whether you pick the date and banana cake or the banana bread loaf, you’ll love their flavors. Dive into baking with Mary Berry and enjoy these treats!


What is Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake?

Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake is a lovely dessert perfect for tea time. It’s filled with fruit and rich flavor. It uses regular ingredients like dried fruit, brown sugar, and self-raising flour. It also includes lemon zest, an egg, and of course, tea.

How is the dried fruit prepared for Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake?

The dried fruit is left in tea overnight. This makes it juicy and adds great taste.

How is Mary Berry’s Date and Banana Cake baked?

This cake is baked slowly. This keeps it moist and delicately textured.

What variations of tea bread are there?

Tea bread varies across regions. For example, Wales has Bara Brith and Ireland enjoys Barm Brack.

What is Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf is beloved for repurposing ripe bananas. It becomes a spongy, tasty loaf.

What are the basic ingredients for Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf?

To make this loaf, you need ripe bananas, butter, sugar, eggs, and self-raising flour. Don’t forget vanilla extract for flavor.

Can Mary Berry’s Banana Bread Loaf be customized?

Yes, you can make it your own. Add nuts, chocolate, or spices as you like.

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