Coconut Sponge Cake Mary Berry

Mary Berry’s Light and Fluffy Coconut Sponge Cake

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Enjoy the amazing taste of Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake. This treat blends coconut’s cozy flavors with Mary Berry’s elegant style. It’s light and airy, making every bite delightful. This recipe is perfect for skilled bakers or those just starting. It’s great for making a dessert that impresses everyone.

Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake fits any event. It’s great for tea parties or when you want something sweet. This cake uses butter, sugar, eggs, and more. It’s rich and sweet. The jam layer and coconut on top make it even more special.

Following this recipe is easy, even for new bakers. Mary Berry’s guide helps you from start to finish. You’ll end up with a moist, tasty coconut sponge cake. It will surely make your friends and family happy.

Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake is ideal for any moment. Its lightness, delicious taste, and beauty steal the show. So, start baking with Mary Berry today. Create something amazing that everyone will love.

Ingredients and Preparation of Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake

To make Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake, you need these ingredients:

  • Unsalted butter
  • Caster sugar
  • Eggs
  • Self-raising flour
  • Baking powder
  • Milk
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Raspberry or strawberry jam
  • Icing sugar (optional)

Start by creaming butter and sugar till pale and fluffy. Add eggs one by one. Mix in flour after each egg to avoid curdling. Then fold in the rest of the flour, baking powder, milk, and coconut until smooth.

Pour the batter into a greased and lined tin. Bake in a preheated oven until golden and a skewer comes out clean. This shows it’s fully cooked. Top the cake with jam and more coconut.

“The combination of creamy butter, sweet sugar, and luscious coconut creates a truly delightful and memorable cake.” – Mary Berry

You can serve this cake at room temperature. It stays moist and tasty when stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Ingredients for Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake

Ingredients Quantity
Unsalted butter 200g
Caster sugar 200g
Eggs 4
Self-raising flour 200g
Baking powder 2 tsp
Milk 2 tbsp
Desiccated coconut 50g
Raspberry or strawberry jam 4 tbsp
Icing sugar (optional) For dusting

Serving and Storing Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake

Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake is a real treat that everyone loves. It tastes best when served at room temperature. This lets the flavors mix perfectly. Also, making it look nice is easy. Just cut the cake into pretty shapes and put them on a fancy plate. A sprinkle of icing sugar makes it look even better.

This coconut cake is great by itself or with other foods that go well with it. Try it with clotted cream, whipped cream, crème fraîche, or Greek yogurt. These pairings offer a mix of different textures and flavors. Every bite is like tasting a piece of paradise.

For leftovers, don’t fret. You can keep this cake in a closed container at room temperature for 3 days. This way, you can keep enjoying it. Or, refrigerate it for up to 5 days to make it last longer. Even though it might feel a bit different, the taste stays just as amazing.

If you need to store the cake longer, you can freeze it. First, take off the jam and coconut top. Then, wrap it well in cling film and foil to avoid air getting in. It will stay good in the freezer for a month. Just thaw and top it with jam and coconut when you’re ready to eat.

Enjoy Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake whenever you like. It’s a fantastic dessert that’s simple to keep and tastes great on any occasion.


Can I substitute the desiccated coconut with fresh coconut?

Yes, you can use freshly grated coconut instead. But, note that it might change the texture a bit.

Can I use a different flavor of jam for the topping?

Of course! The recipe recommends raspberry or strawberry. But, feel free to try apricot, blackcurrant, or lemon curd.

Can I make the coconut sponge cake without self-raising flour?

Sure, if you’re out of self-raising flour, add 2 teaspoons of baking powder to every cup of all-purpose. Remember to sift them together well.

Can I freeze the coconut sponge cake with the jam and coconut topping?

It’s better not to freeze the cake with the topping. Freezing can change the texture. Add the topping after thawing to keep it fresh.

Can I use reduced-fat or margarine instead of unsalted butter?

You can, but know it might change the cake. Unsaturated butter is key to Mary Berry’s Coconut Sponge Cake’s rich taste.

Can I add nuts or other add-ins to the cake batter?

Absolutely, adding chopped nuts like almonds or walnuts is fine. Just remember to gently fold them in. It prevents overmixing.

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