Categories: Banana Cakes

Moist Banana and Walnut Cake: A UK Favorite Recipe

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Welcome to our tempting journey into the world of moist banana and walnut cake. It’s a beloved recipe in the UK. This cake is made with overripe bananas, whole walnuts, and few other simple ingredients. It never fails to impress with its moist texture and rich flavors. Enjoy it for breakfast, brunch, or dessert. This cake is here to fulfill your cravings.

The secret to this cake’s moisture is self-rising flour. It makes every bite irresistibly moist. When you try this treat, ripe bananas and crunchy walnuts blend perfectly. They take your taste buds to a place of sheer delight.

Let’s learn how to make this UK favorite at home. We’ll help you with softened butter to beaten eggs, guiding you through each step. You will soon be making a cake as good as those from a bakery.

But wait, there’s more! We’ll share tips and variations. You can add nuts like cashews or pecans for a twist. You can add chocolate or caramel for extra flavor. We even have a way to make this cake into muffins that you can take with you.

Ready to start this cooking adventure? Let’s discover the secrets to making an outstanding moist banana and walnut cake. Get ready to amaze your family with a treat that will soon be a go-to in your kitchen.

Ingredients and Method

To make this moist banana and walnut cake, grab these ingredients:

  • softened butter
  • overripe bananas
  • whole walnuts
  • beaten eggs
  • vanilla essence
  • superfine sugar
  • whole milk
  • self-rising flour

Now, let’s look at how it’s done:

  1. Cream together butter, sugar, and vanilla essence.
  2. Then, add beaten eggs, milk, banana, walnuts, and flour. Mix.
  3. Next, pour into your greased cake tin.
  4. Bake at 180ºC/360ºF until a skewer comes out clean, usually about 45 minutes.

Tips and Variations

Want to bake the perfect Moist Banana and Walnut Cake? Here are some tips and variations to help. Use overripe bananas for the best flavor and moistness. The bananas should be very ripe.

Change things up by using different nuts. Cashews, pecans, or macadamia nuts can replace walnuts. They give your cake a unique flavor. For more flavor, add chocolate or caramel.

Thinking of making muffins instead? The recipe adapts easily. Just change the baking time. This works well for a smaller group or if you like individual servings.

After baking and cooling the cake, keep it in an airtight container. Letting it sit for a couple of days makes it better. The banana flavor will get stronger. It might even taste better each day.’


Can I use regular all-purpose flour instead of self-rising flour?

Yes, you can use all-purpose flour instead of self-rising. Just add baking powder and salt to the mix. For each cup of self-rising flour needed, use 1 cup of all-purpose flour. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

How do I know when the cake is done baking?

Pierce the cake’s center with a toothpick or cake tester. If it comes out clean except for a few crumbs, the cake is ready. If batter sticks to it, bake the cake a little longer. Then, test it again.

Can I freeze the banana and walnut cake?

Yes, you can freeze it for up to 3 months. First, tightly wrap the cake in plastic or foil. Next, put it in an airtight container and freeze. When ready to eat, thaw it in the fridge overnight.

Can I replace the walnuts with a different nut?

Sure thing! Try almonds, pecans, or hazelnuts instead of walnuts. Just use the same amount as the recipe suggests. This will bring a new taste and texture to your cake.

Can I make the cake without eggs?

Of course, you can skip the eggs. Try using smashed bananas, applesauce, or yogurt. Use 1/4 cup of any of these per egg needed in your recipe.

How long does the cake stay fresh?

It will stay good for 3-4 days at room temperature in a closed container. If you want it to last longer, keep it in the fridge. It will be fine for up to a week this way.

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Laura Bremner

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