Moms Check In Week 2 – What do you wish you started earlier with your kids?


Moms Check In 1 Topic 5 moms  (1)

Last week we talked about chores and do your children do them. This week we are on to another topic! I absolutely am loving our Moms Check In series! What is Moms Check In? Well, each week we have a new topic and get the opinions of 5 bloggers. It’s a fun way top know how other moms are handling situations and fun to get other mom’s perspectives and ideas! We love to hear about what you think too! We tweet answers all week on Twitter!

Moms Check In

So who are our Moms?

Amanda (@its_a_fab_life) is the mom of one boy and owns It’s a Fabulous Life, which is a one stop place for all things ‘Mom’. You can find recipes, DIY projects, frugal living, parenting and more.

Jenni (@sweetpennies) is the mom of one boy and writes at Sweet Pennies From Haven. Sweet Pennies From Heaven is a hearth and home website that focuses on recipes, crafts and creating a comfortable home.

Lindsay (@SeeMomClick) is the mom of two great kids and owner of See Mom Click. She shares great deals, Disney happenings and recipes.

Stephanie (@spaceshipsLB) is the mom of one son and owns Spaceships and Laser Beams. Spaceships and Laser Beams is a great site full of party ideas, crafts and more all with boys in mind!

This week our guest host is Esther (@couponcutting) from Coupon Cutting Mom! She is the Mom of two girls (5 & 8). Coupon Cutting Mom is full of deals, coupons, shopping trips, recipes, family activities and more.

You will want to make sure to check out all of our moms and follow along with Moms Check In on Twitter!


This week’s question was a tough one! What is one thing you wish you started earlier with your kids? Let’s see what the Mom’s said! And don’t forget to let us know what YOU think!


Amanda (@its_a_fab_life)

Gosh that’s a hard one. I wish that I would have started Josh on trying new foods more. He was diagnosed with Autism and the doctor told us that having a sensory disorder can make different textures hard. I was always so scared to push trying new foods on him. But now at almost 11 the foods he eats are very limited (think no veggies and the only fruit he eats is a banana!) We’ve started making him try a bite of something and he can do it! He may not like it, but he can do it. I’m not sure it’s so much a sensory issue or if he’s just used to being able to eat PB&J all the time! 🙂 So we are for sure a work in progress!


Jenni (@sweetpennies)

I really wish I would have started getting him to sleep in his own room earlier. We knew we were creating a monster very early on, but it was so comforting having him sleep near us!! Breaking him of that was insanely difficult, but we finally did it!


Lindsay (@SeeMomClick)

This is a tough one for me. I don’t really think there’s anything my kids are behind on but there are a few things I wish they knew how to do. My almost 9-year old daughter has no interest whatsoever in learning to ride a bike. Seems kind of late for her to learn but she just cares nothing about it so what can I do? I also wish I’d handed them a knife earlier and taught them to cut up their own food. I think I spend more time serving them at mealtime than I do eating my own food! One day I’ll be aching to cut up their potatoes again, right?!



Stephanie (@SpaceshipsLB)

I actually feel pretty good about the choices we’ve made for Sam so far. I mean, you can second-guess on issues but I’m a pretty relaxed mom overall so I don’t obsess about the should-of/could-of. You do your best for who you are at the time and trust that is good enough. If you press me, I guess it might have been good to work on self-discipline earlier. Nothing heavy-duty…more in the realm of more chores, having intentional exercise as part of our daily routine sooner (we are doing that now), perhaps starting him in music lessons. I’m hoping he’ll want to play an instrument. Since Sam is almost five and growing in his abilities to understand and perform, I feel like we are entering a new season so there will naturally be new challenges and greater expectations.


Esther (@CouponCutting)

I wish I would have started a chore chart and teaching my kids how to help with jobs around the house at a younger age. I realize now that small chores are a great way to start teaching a young kid responsibility and basic life skills but back when my kids were much younger I felt it was just easier for me to do the things like cleaning, laundry and other jobs around the house. Now when I ask them to fold their laundry or clean their bedroom I feel like I’m pulling teeth to get them to help. My older daughter is almost 9 years old and she does a fairly good job of helping but my 5 year old has a wonderful ability of constantly trying to getting out of work and also trying to getting her sister to do both of their chores. If you have any great chore charts that have worked for your family I would love to hear about them.

What about you? What do you wish you would have started earlier with your kids? Let us know here or on Twitter! Make sure to include #MomsCheckIn with your answer! We will be tweeting your answers all week!


Next week’s topic is what is one thing you do for yourself?

Big thanks to Esther for being our guest host this week! Want to co-host a week of Moms Check In with us? Fill out the form here!



  1. says

    I wish we would have waited on introducing electronic devices, It has had a snowball effect, they want more, newer games or the latest [whatever] to come out.

    • says

      Oh my gosh ME TOO! Plus, it seems like if there are 2 minutes waiting anywhere – in the car, out to eat, etc – my son is asking for his DS because he is bored. It’s like he has to have it with him. Drives me batty!

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