Monday’s Free Ebooks

free ebook list

You don’t want to miss today’s free ebooks! I’m going to download the How to Make Money at a Garage Sale one right now! I’ve got lots of things around the house that can be de-cluttered!

Thanks Pandora’s Deals for the list!

Want more Kindle deals? Check out all the Kindle Daily Deals and this month’s batch of 100 books for $3.99 or less.

Don’t have a Kindle? Just download a free Kindle reading app! Amazon has a selection of Kindles here (prices start at just $69).


7 Responses to Monday’s Free Ebooks

  1. What a great collection of books! Stopping from SITS.

  2. Andrea says:

    I recently broke down and got a Kindle. What took me so long, I don’t know. Thanks for sharing this list!

  3. “Free” and “books” in the same sentence makes me happy. Thanks for passing this deal along!


  4. Lisa says:

    Thanks for compiling such a great list.

  5. Kristi says:

    It’s so hard to sort through these on my own, so I really appreciate you taking the time to share them! Thank you!

  6. AJ says:

    Great weekly feature! I’m such a sucker for free Kindle books. I need to read faster or I’ll never make a dent in my library!

  7. I love free e-books! I check for new ones on a regular basis. So much better than paying!

    Karen @TheMissingNiche recently posted…What’s Cancer Got To Do With It?My Profile

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