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NEW! Ibotta Makes Big Changes – MORE CASH BACK!! 🙂

new ibotta



I know you probably already know this but I LOVE Ibotta! I use it just about every time I’m at the store. With it I’ve got things for dirt cheap, free and made money by purchasing it!! Well, guess what? They’ve made some changes and that means MORE ways to earn!

What’s Ibotta? Ibotta is a FREE app for your smart phone, tablet, or Ipod. You cans sign up here (check out the Newbie Bonus! Info below! Keep reading!!) After you are a member, download the app on your device. You will see all kinds of offers. They look like this:

Capri sun big pouch

They have a good variety of offers. Currently they have soda (which we rarely get coupons for! Annie’s Homegrown products, eggs, frozen veggies, jam as well as shampoo, lotion and lots of others! So choose the offers you want to purchase. YOU CAN COMBINE IBOTTA OFFERS WITH MANUFACTURER COUPONS!!!! Each offer will have 2 or 3 earning opportunities (see the question mark, check mark and movie in the photo above). It takes seconds to do these! Usually the kids like to do watch out for the Ibotta items going in the cart so they can do the offers. It keeps them busy! 🙂 Check out as you normally would. The money from your offers will not come off your bill. Go home. Bring your groceries in (do the earning opportunities if you haven’t done so already) and hit redeem. It will ask you what store you shopped at and to take a picture of your receipt. (Seriously takes 5 seconds.) Then when you are putting your groceries away, if you take out an Ibotta item scan the bar code to verify you purchased it and put it in your cabinets!

It sounds like a lot, but honestly it takes just a few minutes to do everything. It’s really worth it!! You will get your alert really quickly – I usually get mine by the time I’m finished putting away my groceries – saying “You earned it! $XX has been deposited into your Ibotta account.” When you reach $5 you can transfer it to your Paypal account. And it transfers IMMEDIATELY!!!

Calling all Newbies!!

ibotta newbie

The first change is new users get a $2.00 BONUS! Just sign up here and redeem 2 offers in 2 weeks! EASY!

What else is new?

store bonus

Now Walmart and Target have extra offers!

Refer your friends!

ibotta refer a friend

Ibotta has new referral bonuses! Refer your friends and get paid! Woo hoo!

I honestly, love Ibotta. You should definitely sign up and try it out. The first time took me a little extra time, but now I’ve got my system down so it takes just seconds. This app has been on the Today show, CNET, and Good Morning America just to name a few!

And make sure you sign up for our daily newsletter! It’s full of our top deals and freebies of the day! Sign up here.

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