Categories: Tarts

Nutty Delight: Mini Walnut Tart Recipe

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This Mini Walnut Tart Recipe combines crunchy walnuts with buttery pastry. It’s a perfect treat for teatime. The recipe is simple and satisfying, ideal for all bakers. Impress your guests with these delicious tarts. Now, let’s look at the details.

Homemade baking is very special. It fills the kitchen with lovely aromas and brings joy. These Mini Walnut Tarts are exceptional. They have a delightful texture and flavor, making you feel like you’re in dessert heaven.

This recipe stands out for its simplicity. With a few ingredients and easy steps, you can make an impressive treat. It’s perfect for both seasoned bakers and beginners. It’s sure to be a hit.

The secret is the sweet shortcrust pastry base. It’s buttery and flaky. The filling is a creamy mix of cream cheese, butter, flour, brown sugar, and walnuts. This creates a luscious, irresistible center.

Making these tarts is simple. Start with the tart shell. You can cut pastry rounds or press it into tart tins. After baking it golden, spread Nutella over the base for indulgence. Add the filling and walnuts, then bake until golden brown. You’ll end up with beautiful and tasty mini tarts.

Serving Mini Walnut Tarts is easy. Enjoy them warm or at room temperature. They’re perfect for any occasion. The unique textures and flavors will be a hit with your guests.

Why not try some homemade baking? Get your ingredients, follow the steps, and enjoy these delightful Mini Walnut Tarts. Your taste buds will be grateful.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make the tasty Mini Walnut Tarts, you need several essential ingredients. These will help you mix a delightful flavor. We’ll look at what goes into the tart shell and the creamy filling.

Tart Shell

The tart shell is key for Mini Walnut Tarts. It’s buttery and crumbly. Here are the ingredients you need for it:

Ingredients Quantity
Tart shell 1 pre-made or homemade
Butter 50g
Flour 100g
Brown sugar 25g

Mix the butter, flour, and brown sugar together until crumbly. You can use your hands or a cutter. Then press the crumbs into your tart tin. Make sure it’s even. Also, you can make rounds for each tart. Bake it till it’s golden.


The filling is creamy and rich. Here’s what to put in:

Ingredients Quantity
Cream cheese 150g
Butter 25g
Flour 50g
Brown sugar 50g
Chopped walnuts 100g

Blend cream cheese, butter, flour, and brown sugar until smooth. Add walnuts for crunch.

After baking the shell, spread Nutella on its base. Then add the filling. Top with walnuts for crunch and looks.

Bake until golden brown. The moist filling, buttery crust, and nuts will please your taste buds.

Baking and Serving

Preheat your oven to the right temperature. Bake the Mini Walnut Tarts for about 45 minutes. They should look golden brown when they’re ready. This makes sure the crust is flaky and the filling is set just right.

After baking, let the tarts cool on a wire rack. This keeps them from getting soggy while cooling down. They’ll keep their delightful texture.

These tarts are perfect warm or at room temperature. They make a lovely treat for tea time or any special event. The mix of buttery crust, creamy filling, and crunchy walnuts is incredibly tasty.

Share these Mini Walnut Tarts with those you care about. They’re bound to make tea time extra special. Treat yourself to these delicious tarts. They might just become a holiday favourite.


Can I use a different type of nut instead of walnuts?

Yes, other nuts like pecans or almonds work well too. They offer a new taste.

Can I use pre-made pastry for the tart shell?

Definitely, pre-made sweet shortcrust pastry is fine. Just bake it as the package directs.

Can I substitute Nutella with another spread?

Not keen on Nutella? Feel free to pick a different chocolate or hazelnut spread.

How long do I need to bake the Mini Walnut Tarts?

Follow the recipe’s baking time. However, oven differences may require adjustments. Watch them until they’re golden.

Can I store the Mini Walnut Tarts for later?

Absolutely. Keep them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. They’re best fresh but still tasty later.


Tessa Leaven

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