Please Send Prayers!

Please send prayers –

Andy’s brother in law is in the hospital. They are keeping him over night to keep an eye on him. They were not sure if he had a heart attack or was trying to have a heart attack. Tomorrow they are going to run some more tests and hopefully we will have some answers.

And Andy’s pastor has passed away tonight. He was only 51 years old and actually went to the doctor this morning for a physical and was given a clean bill of health. This man was a very respected man in this area and has really helped Andy a lot in his life. I know Andy has really valued & respected Pastor’s advice, wisdom & friendship throughout the years.

We could use some prayers. Andy’s mom is also going to the funeral of her cousin on Friday. Her, Andy’s Dad & the Pastor were all like family. They have known each other for 25 years and raised their children together. While I pray for the families and the church I really say a special prayer for Andy’s mom & dad. They have gone through a lot this week and I just pray that the Lord sees them through.

It’s painful to watch people you care about hurting. Remember to hug your loved ones and to say I love you. Remember to thank God every morning that you wake up and to thank him again when you lay your head on your pillow. You were blessed enough to have a day with your loved ones. You were blessed enough to have the day to be a blessing to others.


2 Responses to Please Send Prayers!

  1. Brenda says:

    Wow! I am definitely praying for all of those families, including your own. I hope the tests tomorrow can provide some answers for his brother.

  2. Dalynn McCoy says:

    Wow, new follower from MBC on the Friending group; happy to pray for all involved! I see this was posted a few days ago now though and wonder if there is an update? How is b-i-l doing now? I pray things are all okay and you are all taking some time to heal. Look forward to reading more from you and would love a follow back whenever you get the chance. 🙂