parmesan salad dressing recipe

Savory Parmesan Salad Dressing Recipe

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Creating your own savory parmesan salad dressing is fun and tasty. It makes your greens better. This homemade recipe goes great with any salad. It brings a creamy, cheesy joy to your meals. You can make this flavorful dressing quickly with simple ingredients. Now, let’s get into the details.

Ingredients for Homemade Parmesan Salad Dressing

To whip up this tasty parmesan salad dressing, you need some key items. You’ll want grated parmesan cheese, the freshest you can find or a top-notch pre-shredded kind. You also need olive oil, some vinegar like white wine, red wine, or apple cider, and Dijon mustard. Don’t forget honey or another sweet choice, optional salt, and a bit of water. These mix to create a creamy parmesan dressing that will elevate your salads.

When picking your parmesan salad dressing ingredients, go for quality. Freshly grated parmesan cheese brings out a deep, nutty taste in the dressing. If you can’t get fresh, a high-quality pre-shredded cheese works too.

The olive oil makes the dressing smooth and velvety. Meanwhile, the vinegar adds a sharp and tangy contrast. You can pick from various vinegars to suit your taste and the dressing’s flavor goal.

A bit of Dijon mustard adds a nice zing and richness. It helps mix the oil and vinegar smoothly.

To soften the tang, honey is perfect. It brings out the savory flavor of the parmesan. But, you can choose another sweetener if you wish.

If you like, sprinkle in some salt for taste. Remember, parmesan cheese is a bit salty on its own.

When the dressing is nearly done, add a dash of water to get it just right. This makes it easier to pour on your salads.

Knowing the homemade dressing ingredients for creamy parmesan salad dressing is your first step. Now, let’s learn how to mix these flavors together.

How to Make Savory Parmesan Salad Dressing

Making your own parmesan dressing is simple. You only need a few ingredients. This will make your salads taste even better.

First, get these items ready: 1 cup of mayonnaise, 1/2 cup of sour cream, and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Also, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese, and 1/4 cup of buttermilk. Plus, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of dried marjoram, 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper, and 1 teaspoon of minced garlic.

Now, blend all the ingredients until smooth. Use a food processor or blender. Make sure the parmesan mixes well into the dressing.

Put the dressing in a container and keep it in the fridge. It stays fresh for a week. Use it on your salads any time.

Need ideas? Look at these recipes for homemade parmesan dressing, creamy salad dressing, and parmesan vinaigrette. They offer different tastes and twists.


Can I use pre-grated parmesan cheese for this dressing?

Sure, high-quality pre-shredded parmesan cheese works. Yet, freshly grated parmesan cheese is best for flavor.

What type of vinegar should I use?

Feel free to pick from white wine, red wine, or apple cider vinegar. It’s all about what tastes good to you.

Can I substitute the honey with another sweetener?

Absolutely! Maple syrup or agave nectar are great instead of honey. Pick the sweetener you like most.

Is salt necessary for this dressing?

Salt is up to you. Some like to skip it or use just a bit for flavor. Adjust it to suit your taste.

How long can I store the dressing?

Keep the dressing in the fridge for up to a week. Store it in a sealed jar or container to keep it fresh.

Can I use a blender instead of a food processor?

Yes, a blender works well, too. It gets the dressing smooth and creamy, just like a food processor.


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