Cookies and Cream Shakeology Recipe

Shakeology Sensation: Cookies and Cream Shakeology Recipe

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Looking for a treat that’s both tasty and good for you? The Cookies and Cream Shakeology recipe is perfect! It’s a top choice for getting nutrients from Shakeology. This shake is both healthy and luxurious, blending cookies and cream with Shakeology’s benefits.

How do you make this super shake? It’s easy. Mix chocolate Shakeology with oats, cinnamon, vanilla, peanut butter, honey, and water. This makes a creamy shake that feels like a cookie treat. You can enjoy it as a healthy snack or dessert.

Still not sure? Check out the image below. It shows how delicious and tempting the Cookies and Cream Shakeology is:

With this recipe, you can indulge without guilt. Just the right mix of taste and healthiness. So, start making it. Enjoy the amazing world of Shakeology with this unique blend!

How to Make the Cookies and Cream Shakeology Recipe

To make the deliciously healthy Cookies and Cream Shakeology, here’s what you do:

  1. Mix 1/2 cup of chocolate Shakeology with 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats.
  2. Then, add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. Now, put in 1/4 cup of creamy peanut butter and 1/4 cup of honey.
  4. Pour 2 tablespoons of water in to mix everything together.
  5. Keep stirring until it looks like dark brown dough.
  6. Use a tablespoon to form balls from the dough.
  7. Put the balls on a tray.
  8. Let them chill in the fridge for at least 20 minutes.
  9. After chilling, press each ball into a cookie shape.

You’ll get a delicious and healthy snack. It will taste just like your favourite cookies and cream. Enjoy this good-for-you treat. It’s perfect for keeping your health goals on track.

Other Variations of Cookies and Cream Shakeology

Looking for more than one way to enjoy Cookies and Cream Shakeology? You’re in luck. There are many recipes out there to mix it up. You can find a variety in flavours and textures, all while staying healthy. Try them all and enjoy without the guilt.

Cookies and Cream Smoothie

Try a refreshing Cookies and Cream Smoothie. You’ll need vanilla Shakeology, unsweetened almond milk, ice, and chocolate graham crackers. It’s ideal for a quick and healthy snack.

Cookies and Cream Protein Milkshake

Want something packed with protein? The Cookies and Cream Protein Milkshake is for you. It blends protein powder with almond milk, ice, and Oreo cookies. This shake is tasty and will keep you full.

Recipe Ingredients Instructions
Cookies and Cream Smoothie
  • Vanilla Shakeology
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Ice
  • Broken chocolate graham crackers
  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
Cookies and Cream Protein Milkshake
  • Vanilla or Cookies & Cream protein powder
  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • Ice cubes
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Black cocoa powder
  • Oreo cookies
  1. Add all ingredients to a blender.
  2. Blend until well combined and creamy.
  3. Pour into a glass and garnish with crushed Oreo cookies, if desired.
  4. Enjoy this protein-packed shake!

The Cookies and Cream Shakeology range has more to offer than just one recipe. They’re all yummy and good for you. Whether it’s a smoothie or a milkshake you prefer, you’re sure to find one you love. They’re all a tasty and healthy choice. So, pick your favourite and enjoy a guilt-free snack!


In conclusion, the Cookies and Cream Shakeology recipe and its variations provide a healthy, tasty treat. They are perfect for those who want to enjoy something sweet without feeling guilty. Whether you love the texture of a cookie shake or the freshness of a smoothie, there’s something for everyone.

Adding Shakeology to your diet means enjoying something that tastes great and is good for you. The Cookies and Cream Shakeology recipe includes chocolate Shakeology, creamy peanut butter, and more. It makes a delicious, guilt-free shake.

For more options, you can try the Cookies and Cream smoothie or the Protein Milkshake. They bring different tastes and textures. No matter your choice, these recipes can make your healthy eating journey more enjoyable. So, why not try them? They’ll satisfy your sweet cravings while being nutritious.


Is Shakeology suitable for everyone’s lifestyle?

Shakeology might not fit everyone’s lifestyle because of its cost. But it’s a good shake for some.

What is a recipe for Cookies and Cream Shakeology?

A tasty Cookies and Cream Shakeology recipe mixes chocolate Shakeology with oats, cinnamon, vanilla, peanut butter, honey, and water.

How do I make the Cookies and Cream Shakeology?

Blend 1/2 cup chocolate Shakeology with oats, cinnamon, vanilla, peanut butter, honey, and water until you get dark “dough”.

What are the other variations of Cookies and Cream Shakeology?

There’s a smoothie with vanilla Shakeology, almond milk, ice, and chocolate graham crackers. Also, a protein milkshake with powdered protein, milk, ice, vanilla ice cream, cocoa, and Oreos.

Are these recipes a guilt-free indulgence?

Yes, these Shakeology and their spin-offs are tasty and good for you. They make a great treat without guilt.

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