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#ShareAwesome Kids & Technology

Talking to Kids About Technology

I don’t know about your house, but ours is consumed with technology. You lead by example right? Well, being a blogger I am on the computer a LOT. And if I’m not on the computer I’m on my phone. My son sees me everyday, using social media and embracing (and sometimes yelling at…) technology.

We went to a meeting at his school at the beginning of the school year to talk about iPads. This was the first year that the kids were required to have them. The parents had a meeting in one room and the kids had a meeting in another to discuss things like social media. Well, one of the things that they taught the kids about was using their real names and posting pictures of themselves. My son apparently raised his hand and said, “Unless your mom is a blogger. I’m kind of famous on Pinterest.” Yes. My child is very proud of a picture of him from the blog that went a little viral on Pinterest.

Talking to Kids About Technology

My son see’s me using my blog and social media outlets and he wants to do it too! He loves video games, so we just bought him his own domain name (Josh The Gamer) and he wants to start creating YouTube videos. Do I think it’s awesome? Absolutely! Blogging is a great way to work on writing skills. I think in this day in age knowing a bit about coding and how to create a website is a big plus! And let’s talk about the skills required to learn to shoot and edit videos. Heck, deep down, I’m hoping he will teach me a thing or two!

Am I nervous? Absolutely. The internet can be a cruel and disturbing place. People say things that they would never say in person. There are people who thrive on drama and actually go looking for people to pick on, to belittle and to try to make them look/feel stupid. (There is a reason people like that are called trolls!) There are people who will steal your work. There are predators who do gosh only knows what. One bad decision can haunt you for literally a lifetime.

Talking to Kids About Technology

But I don’t think that is reason for hiding or avoiding this amazing digital world we are entering. National PTA has joined forces with Lifelock to share awesome ways that families can create open conversations about using technology. I think that it is so important to not only talk to your kids about it, but to be involved! The #ShareAwesome campaign wants to teach kids and parents that no matter what app, device or social media platform you are using, the safety rules are the same as they would be offline (like ‘Don’t talk to strangers!)

The #ShareAwesome campaign also wants to celebrate families and kids who use technology for good. There is a #ShareAwesome contest that invites you on social media to share a smart and safe decision, an uplifting accomplishment or a positive action for the good of others using the hashtag #ShareAwesome the chance to win!

Be sure to snap a photo of an awesome moment in your day and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the #ShareAwesome hashtag!

Students who enter the #ShareAwesome contest between September 15 – November 30, 2014 will have a chance to win fantastic prizes, including tablets and a $2,500 scholarship!

Talking to Kids About Technology

For our home, we embrace social media (as well as life outside of it!) However I have access and passwords to everything. (And I mean EVERYTHING!) Josh is not allowed to add new friends until I check them out first. Usually I follow them too. All of his emails that get sent to him also get sent to my account. We are embracing this new digital age, but making sure that it is still a child friendly, safe digital space.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    My kids have parental controls on their tablets and they are definitely limited with the time they can spend on them.

  2. says

    I just went through an issue where I was scammed on Facebook luckily I didn’t completely fall for it which was my saving grace. It taught me quite alot though. Being new to all Social Media (the last year) I didn’t realize how easily things can go wrong. Great tips.

    Rena McDaniel recently posted…LEGENDARY NORTH DAKOTAMy Profile

  3. says

    I talk to mine often about technology and safety! My kids aren’t really reliant on technology so I’m not too worried – yet, but it’s great to keep them informed and up to date! My oldest is a techie!

  4. says

    We have books on kindel for my 7 year old she wants to make youtube videos and post them online of her playing with her poney’s as that’s what she’s found while we were looking for my little poney shows one day and she’s made so many videos using my cellphone that for Christmas were going to look into a tablet for her too but yes I agree with kid controls on it there are some great tablets just for kids who are younger then your guys that I’m looking into for her. I think the tablet you got them is great. we have a Hp slate 7 extreme it’s red and pretty lol

    • says

      Right! I love this idea. I sit with my kids (both of them!) and have this talk, but there could be things I forget. It would be awesome if there was a class for the kids, it would get them thinking… and a lot of minds go into the course content, so maybe things I might forget would be covered.

  5. Pam says

    IT’s hilarious that your son is so proud of the viral picture! 🙂 The internet can be scary, but it’s also such a great resource.

  6. Amanda Love says

    Technology has surely taken over. Even my own toddler has her own mini iPad. While she doesn’t get online it’s great to know that there are apps that protect them.

  7. Pam says

    That is the most important thing, keeping involved and aware of what your children are doing on social media. I would love to see some parent/kid classes in the school setting to make sure everyone is doing what is needed to keep their kids safe and aware.

    • says

      Oh that’s too funny! Josh is in the planning stages. 🙂 I like the fact that his is working on it – computer skills and writing skills are so important! I would rather him write about video games any day! 🙂 Congrats to your son! I will have to tell my Josh about him! Josh’s website is 🙂

  8. says

    We have a family tablet that everyone shares. We make sure to keep an eye on what our kids are doing although sometimes it is very difficult to do it.

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