recipe apple sponge cake

Simple Apple Sponge Cake Recipe for an Afternoon Treat

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Enjoy the cozy taste of a homemade apple sponge cake. This recipe is perfect for dessert or teatime. It’s crispy on top, moist inside, and filled with tasty apples.

The cake contains a juicy mix of apple slices and plump raisins. It’s good hot or cold, fitting any gathering. Add custard for warmth, or have it with tea. It always brings a smile.

This recipe is simple and can be changed to match what you like. You can leave out the sultanas if you want. Try using orange zest for a new twist. The choices are yours to make a cake you love.

After baking, keep this cake fresh in the fridge for a week. But, its yummy flavor may not let it stay that long! Give yourself and those you care about this delightful treat.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make a tasty apple sponge cake, grab these simple items:

  • Cooking apples
  • Caster sugar
  • Sultanas
  • Lemon zest
  • Butter
  • A large egg
  • Self-raising flour
  • Baking powder
  • Optional: Lemon zester and apple corer

Begin by peeling, coring, and thinly slicing the apples. For extra sweetness, mix sultanas with some sugar. Next, let’s make the batter.

In a bowl, combine butter and sugar until fluffy. Mix in the egg and lemon zest. Then add and gently mix in flour and baking powder to make the batter.

Next, layer your cake. Pour half the batter in a cake tin, then add half the apples and sultanas. Add the rest of the batter, followed by the remaining apples and sultanas.

Now, it’s baking time. Preheat to 180°C (350°F) and bake for 50 to 60 minutes. It’s ready when it springs back or a toothpick comes out clean.

Apple Sponge Cake Recipe

Ingredients Quantity
Cooking apples 3
Caster sugar 150g
Sultanas 50g
Lemon zest 1 teaspoon
Butter 100g
A large egg 1
Self-raising flour 150g
Baking powder 1 teaspoon

Now you’ve mastered the art of apple sponge cake. Let your home fill with the sweet scent of baking apples. For serving and storing tips, move to the next part.

Serving and Storage

This apple sponge cake is delicious and easy to serve or store. You can enjoy it hot or cold, alone or with other foods. It’s a great treat from start to finish. Check out these tips for serving and keeping your cake fresh.

Serving Options

Serve this apple sponge cake warm for a rich taste. Add custard or cream to make it even better. This mix of warm cake and cool cream is a delight after any meal.

Or enjoy it cold with a cup of tea in the afternoon. The cake goes well with apple’s sweet taste. It’s perfect for a peaceful break.

Want something really luxurious? Add ice cream on top. The cold ice cream mixes perfectly with the warm cake. It’s a treat for any time.

Storage Tips

Can’t eat it all at once? No problem. This cake stays fresh for a week in the fridge. It’s great for enjoying over a few days.

For storage, keep it in an airtight container in the fridge. This keeps the cake moist and the flavors fresh.

But, with its great taste, it might not last long anyway. Enjoy your cake at its best while you can.

Can’t eat it all soon? You can freeze the cake for up to 3 months. Wrapping it well keeps the cake tasting as good as new.

But, remember, fresh cake is always the best. The soft texture and apple taste are worth savoring. So, enjoy every bite fresh if you can.

storing apple cake


Make a delicious apple sponge cake at home with this easy recipe. It has a crispy top, is moist inside, and has a rich apple filling. This makes it great for dessert or with tea. You can tweak it to fit your taste, making your cake special.

This cake tastes great warm with custard or cold with tea. It’s a yummy treat that meets your sweet cravings. The apple and sponge flavors will make you feel cozy.

So, why not try making this at home? This recipe will likely be a favorite in your kitchen. It brings joy to any gathering. Share with friends or enjoy by yourself – either way, it’s a tasty delight.


Can I use a different type of apple for this recipe?

Yes, you can pick cooking apples or your favorite type for this. Just remember to peel, core, and slice them thinly before adding to the cake.

Can I leave out the sultanas?

Absolutely! If you don’t like sultanas, you can take them out of the recipe. But, consider mixing them with caster sugar for extra sweetness if you like.

Can I freeze the apple sponge cake?

Yes, freezing the cake is okay for up to 3 months. Yet, it tastes best fresh, maintaining its moist texture and the rich apple taste.

How long can I store the apple sponge cake?

The cake stays good for up to a week in an airtight container in the fridge. But often, it’s so yummy, it gets eaten much quicker!

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