Yoghurt and Banana Cake

Smooth and Tangy Yoghurt Banana Cake for a Light Dessert

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Enjoy the tangy sweetness of yoghurt banana cake for a light, refreshing dessert. This tasty treat blends ripe bananas with yogurt’s tartness. It’s great for anyone looking for a flavorful yet light dessert. The cake gets its moist, soft feel from overripe bananas and yogurt.

Yogurt’s acidity mixes with a leavening agent to make the cake light and airy. Adding brown sugar brings a touch of caramel sweetness and keeps the cake moist. This cake offers a perfect blend of flavors and a soft texture. It’s a treat that both kids and adults will love.

Easy and Quick Recipe for Yoghurt and Banana Cake

Making a yoghurt and banana cake is super easy. You don’t even need a mixer. With just a whisk and a spatula, you’re good to go.

First, get the wet ingredients for the cake ready. You’ll need:

  • Mashed overripe bananas
  • Granulated sugar
  • Light brown sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Eggs
  • Yoghurt
  • Vanilla essence

Put all these wet ingredients in a bowl. Then, whisk them together until they’re smooth. This makes the cake soft and moist.

Now, in another bowl, sieve the dry ingredients:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Baking soda
  • Salt

After sifting, add the dry mix slowly to the wet mixture. Use the spatula to gently fold it in. Be sure not to overmix.

Next, preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Pour the batter into a prepared cake pan. Level the top with the spatula.

It’s time to bake. Put the pan in the oven for 50 to 55 minutes. Check with a toothpick for doneness, it should come out clean.

Let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes after baking. Then, move it to a wire rack to cool completely.

After the cake is fully cooled, it’s ready to serve. Keep leftovers in an airtight container for five days.

Variations and Serving Suggestions for Yoghurt and Banana Cake

It’s fun to change the taste of a yoghurt and banana cake. One way is to mix in chocolate chips or walnuts. These make the cake more exciting and tasty. You might love finding a chocolate chip in every bite or the burst of walnut crunch.

Want to make your cake better? Top it with cream cheese frosting. It adds a creamy, tangy layer on top. This pairs wonderfully with the sweetness of the cake. Every bite will be a mix of creamy, tangy, and sweet flavors.

So, how should you serve this amazing cake? It’s great for breakfast to start your morning sweetly. You can also enjoy it after dinner, when you don’t want a heavy dessert. A tea time slice is perfect too.

For extra luxury, add a dollop of yoghurt or sprinkle some sugar. These small touches make every piece special. Feel free to try new things with your cake. Making it your own is part of the fun.


Can I use Greek yoghurt instead of regular yoghurt in the recipe?

Yes, you can use Greek yoghurt instead. It’ll make the cake creamy and tangy.

Can I use a different fruit instead of bananas?

Sure, you can try applesauce or mashed berries. Just know, it will change the cake’s taste and moistness.

Can I make the cake gluten-free?

Absolutely, use gluten-free flour instead. Yet, it might not be exactly like the original.

How long does the yoghurt and banana cake stay fresh?

It keeps well for up to five days in an airtight container. Keep it in a cool, dry spot.

Can I freeze the yoghurt and banana cake?

Freezing is fine. First, wrap it in plastic or use a freezer bag. Thaw in the fridge before eating.

Can I use brown bananas instead of overripe bananas?

Yes, brown bananas work great. They add a sweeter taste and strong banana flavor.

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