The Mom Challenge


Hey there! Welcome to The Mom Challenge!
Make sure to join our Blog Frog page for lots of discussion on each challenge as well as a weekly live chat! It’s free to join and so much fun. Stop by and introduce yourself – I’d love to meet each one of you!
The challenge is going on now – feel free to jump in! Or if you would like go ahead and start from the begining. Chose one or chose them all – it’s up to you. Below you will find the links to each of the challenges.
Here we go!

Week 2: Slow Down

Week 3: Have realistic expectations

Week 4: Be Positve!

Week 5: Celebrate the simple things

Week 6: Mom’s Mission

Week 7: Take time for YOU

Week 8: Get passionate

Week 9: Excuses, excuses

Week 10: Raise a reader

Week 11: Use the teachable moments

Week 12: Hugs and Kisses

Week 13: Simplify your morning

Week 15: Value of A Dollar

Week 16: Creating Healthy Dental Habits

Week 17: Rewarding vs. Bribing

Week 18: 20 Things your child’s teacher wants you to know

Week 19: Raise an Active Child

Week 20: Bully Proof your child

Week 21: How NOT to raise a Bully

Week 22: You Are Awesome

Week 3: What you need to know about eye health

Week 24: How to Avoid the Gimmies

Week 25: Create peace during homework time

Week 26: Parenting Resolutions

Week 27: The Power of a Love Note

Week 28: Winning the bedtime battle

Week 29: Teaching Why

Week 30: Explanations vs. Excuses

Week 31: Stepping out of your comfort zone as a mom

Week 32: What habits are you passing on to your children?

Week 33: Friends and Popularity

Week 34: Stop Judging Other Moms