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The Mom Challenge – Children’s Eye Health & What You NEED To Know

Week 20 of The Mom Challenge! If you missed any of the previous week’s make sure to check them out here.
(I NEVER ask for favors but if you think about it – will you leave Josh some love about his new glasses? Please! 🙂 I think he is still a little unsure of them!)
Today we are talking all about eyes. We recently had to get Josh glasses and when we were at the eye doctor I felt horrible! His eyes were 20/80!!! How did I not know this?
The whole situation got me thinking about kids and eye health. I really didn’t know anything about it. When are you supposed to take them to the eye doctor for the first time? What signs to be looking out for? What can you do to help?
I admit – I was clueless!
Here is what I learned:
Eye examinations:
Newborns have their eyes examined before they leave the hospital – especially preemies!
Your pediatrician should be checking your infant’s eyes at each check up.
At about 3 ½ your child should have a vision health screening and acuity test either with your pediatrician or family doctor.
At around 5 you should have your child’s vision and eye alignment evaluated.
If your child wears glasses they need to get their eyes checked annually!
Now I remember our pediatrician checking Josh’s eyes when he was little. And even now I know they’ve done the light test (they shine a little light and watch as your child’s eyes follow it). But I know we haven’t had a vision test lately and I never thought about asking for one while we are there.
So it would be a good idea to get into the practice of asking for one at the end of all your appointments! They don’t take long! And looking back it’s something I wish we would have done!!
Spotting pesky eye problems:
· constant eye rubbing
· extreme light sensitivity
· poor focusing
· poor visual tracking (following an object)
· abnormal alignment or movement of the eyes (after 6 months of age)
· chronic redness of the eyes
· chronic tearing of the eyes
· a white pupil instead of black
In school-age children, watch for other signs such as:
· inability to see objects at a distance
· inability to read the blackboard
· squinting
· difficulty reading
· sitting too close to the TV
(List from
At home Josh would always play his games/watch TV and inch closer and closer. I just thought he was excited! (He usually stands and plays his games and jumps around!) Looking back it’s obvious to me know – he kept moving forward so he could see better!
At parent teacher conferences make sure to ask how your child is seeing! Sometimes things don’t seem relevant (like Josh being close to the TV) until someone specifically asks or mentions it.
If your child needs glasses:
Here are a few tips if your child needs glasses:
1. Let them pick them out!
2. Spring hinges are more durable – and if they are toddlers plastic frames are the best.
3. If your child asks for contacts make sure that they are responsible enough and can handle putting them in/taking them out by themselves. Contacts are great for kids who play sports but they take some extra effort!
Girl getting eye exam
Tips for Eye Health:
1. Eat your veggies!
2. Take daily vitamins.
3. Wear sunglasses while outside – they not only look cool but they help keep UV rays at bay!
4. If your child is going to be outside on a sunny day put a hat on them! The brim of a hat can cut the UV that reaches your child’s eyes in half!
5. Wear protective eye gear during sports.


  1. Heather says

    This is a great post. As the wife of an eye doctor, and the mother of five near sighted children (two with astigmatism), I can attest to the importance of this. It’s scary to think that if it wasn’t for my husband’s profession, I am not sure we would have caught it. My two middle children have horrible vision and needed glasses before kindergarten. The only point I would add is that a vision screening from the school or pediatrician is not the same, and cannot be a substitute for an evaluation from a qualified Optometrist. They screen for different things and the former miss a lot of very serious issues. Also, my seven year old was recently fitted for contacts for a new therapy that will slow or halt the progression of her high myopia. Your sons glasses look fabulous!

    • amanda says

      Good point Heather!! And thanks that’s so sweet of you! I can wait to show him your comment when he gets home from school! Praying for success with the new therapy for your daughter!!

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