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The Mom Challenge: Week 13 – De-Stress the mornings

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Ah. Back to school. Every year part of me gets so excited for this time. New pencils and notebooks. Thoughts of what new things the year will bring. There are new friends to meet, field trips to attend and spring breaks to plan.
There is also homework, waking up early and preparing for next day.
Oh yes. That part.
Early mornings are honestly the part of going back to school I look forward to the least.
Why is it that perhaps the most stressful time of the day is the part that sets the tone? My goal this week is to send my child off to school with hugs, love and a positive attitude.
Here are some tips to make mornings easier:
1. Make sure to get a good nights sleep.
2. Plan ahead of time. Lay out the clothes for the next day, have backpacks ready, make lunches the night before, fill out, sign papers, write notes to the teacher, get lunch money together all the night before.
3. Fix breakfast in advance. I make batches of French Toast, Pancakes, breakfast pizzas, breakfast burritos, and biscuits and keep them in the freezer. During the week I just have to pull it out and throw it in the toaster or the oven for a few minutes. Quick and easy. And healthier and cheaper than buying frozen breakfasts at the grocery store!
4. Set the alarm for 10 minutes early. Ten minutes can make all of the difference in the world! If you wake up just a few minutes earlier than you don’t have to worry as much when small bites are taken. When teeth brushing takes a few extra minutes and when little ones get distracted when they should be putting on their shoes.
5. Put backpacks and any other items that need to be grabbed by the door. I can’t tell you how many times in the past we spent – rather, wasted – time searching for backpacks, coats, mittens, and shoes.
Do you have a special tip or trick that you use to make your mornings run smoothly? Share them over at The Blog Frog!




  1. Jayne Wallace says

    hi – tried to use blog frog but new to your sites and a bit confused!
    the one thing that I do for the mornings to make things easier – everything gets put in front of the door in a giant re-usable bag with reasonable cloth handles (eg. not handles that will cut into hands when the bag is too heavy). As my little girl is three she doesn’t have the strength to carry much so have to carry everything, which includes three sets of lunch, three bags (hubby usually carries his – it is usually REALLY heavy! and LO needs two), coats, plus anything else (which may include my sports kit, wellies, you name it) putting it in one big bag means I can get my keys without dropping everything!

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