The Mom Challenge: Week 26 Parenting Resolutions

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Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful 2012 and that 2013 is going to bring lots of happiness, health and lots of wonderful memories! To read all of the past Mom Challenges go here.

The beginning of a new year always, for me, brings reflection of the year past. It’s the time of year that I think about what experiences and opportunities we had. It’s also the time of year that I think about what I want the next year to bring.

This is the time of year that you hear about people making their resolutions to lose weight, get organized, get out of debt or read more books. But how about making parenting resolutions? Or if your kids are old enough you can make resolutions together.

Last year our family resolution was to have family game night once a week. 2012 was filled with Mousetrap, Go to the Head of the Class, Uno, and Bowling. Our nights are filled with pizza and time together. It’s fun pulling out games from when Andy and I were little. (Does anyone remember The Grape Escape?)

Last summer we went to an auction and we got TONS of vintage games for less than $1 each. Most of the games were donated, but we kept some like Snatch, Sunken Treasure, the original Clue and Gambler (which by the way, is a really fun game!)

This year Josh made a resolution (well, I may have had some influence in the resolution choice) to limit his video game time. Ok, maybe I had a lot to do with his decision. My momolution (you like that word? Yeah, I do too.) is to have date night once a month. Josh and mom date nights.

DSC00009I’m pretty excited to start our monthly date nights. I think it’s really important for us to have time and to create memories together. In January our date is going ice skating. I haven’t been in years! What better way to have fun than to make a fool out of yourself in front of your 9 year old?

What parenting resolutions will you make this year?

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