The Mom Challenge: Week 6

Yesterday my blog was being beautified so here is this week’s challenge!
(You can find past challenges here and don’t forget to join us on Blog Frog! It’s free to join and lots of fun to chat!)


This week I want to focus on our hopes and dreams for our children. What exactly do you hope that your children learn from you? What do you want to pass on? What kind of person do you want your child to grow up to be?
I think that taking just a few minutes of reflection is such a wonderful way to make sure that each day counts!
Here is mine: I want my son to grow up happy, confident and healthy. I want him to be responsible and respectful. I want to make sure that he loves the Lord. I want him to always remember to put family first. I want him to be successful – but remember that money isn’t everything .
Sure I want EVERYTHING under the sun for my child – but there it is in a (small) nutshell. And knowing my (small) nutshell goals for my son I can see on the things that I really need to focus on when it comes to my parenting.
Makes for a in a (small) nutshell mission statement for myself as a parent. What are your goals as a mom?




  1. says

    I had fun doing this – thank you for making me more aware!
    In a nutshell: Social practice, joy of acheivement, pleasure of reading, family worth, self respect, feminine strength and intelligence.

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