Categories: Apple Cakes

Ultimate Gluten-Free Apple Cake Recipe for Celiac-Friendly Desserts

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Searching for a tasty, gluten-free dessert for people with celiac? This recipe is just what you need. It features fresh apples, a spiced crumble topping, and a sweet vanilla glaze. This cake is a delicious treat that fits your dietary needs.

Ingredients and Instructions for Gluten-Free Apple Cake

This gluten-free apple cake is made light and moist with high-quality flour. It also includes aromatic spices and other important ingredients. Simply follow the steps below to bake a wonderful dessert that’s gluten-free and loved by all.

The Ingredients:

  • Gluten-free flour blend: Opt for a premium blend with xanthan gum for the best cake structure.
  • Oil: Prefer a mild oil like vegetable or canola to ensure moisture.
  • Vanilla extract: Use pure vanilla extract for a sweet flavor boost.
  • Sugar: To sweeten the batter, use granulated sugar.
  • Eggs: They help combine ingredients and add moistness.
  • Apples: Slice fresh apples thinly for a fruity and textured cake.
  • Yogurt: It makes the cake rich and moist, especially if it’s dairy-free.
  • Baking soda and baking powder: Needed to make the cake rise and soft.
  • Salt: A bit of salt perfects the sweetness and flavors.
  • Spices: For warmth and deep flavor, add cinnamon and nutmeg to your liking.

The Instructions:

  1. Start by mixing the flour blend, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and spices in a bowl.
  2. In another bowl, whisk together the oil, yogurt, eggs, and vanilla extract until smooth.
  3. Slowly mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones, stirring well each time, until a smooth batter forms.
  4. Gently add the thinly sliced apples, making sure they’re spread evenly.
  5. Preheat your oven, then prepare your pan by greasing or lining it with parchment paper.
  6. Place the batter in the pan, spreading it out evenly.
  7. Bake as required, or until a toothpick comes out clean when tested in the center.
  8. Once done, let the cake cool completely before cutting and serving.

These straightforward steps will lead you to a delicious, homemade gluten-free apple cake!

Tips and Variations for Gluten-Free Apple Cake

When you make gluten-free apple cake, use these tips to make it amazing. This will make your cake look gorgeous and taste incredible.

Thinly Sliced Apples for Perfect Texture

Slice the apples thin for the best texture. This helps the apples soften and mix well in the cake. Be sure to slice them carefully and evenly.

A Perfect Balance: Oil/Yogurt Mixture

The mix of oil and yogurt makes the cake moist and rich. The oil makes it soft, while the yogurt provides a bit of tang. If you don’t eat dairy, you can use dairy-free yogurt and milk. This will still give your cake a great texture and taste.

Experiment with Different Types of Apples

Try using different apples to see what you like best. Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, and Granny Smith are good for baking. Pink Lady brings sweetness, Honeycrisp gives a nice crunch, and Granny Smith is a bit tart. Mixing apple types can help you find your favorite blend.

Looking for more gluten-free apple recipes or want serving suggestions? Check out the recommendations in the article. You’ll find plenty of ways to enjoy apples in your desserts.

Keep reading to see how this gluten-free apple cake story ends. Learn how to make a tasty, gluten-free dessert full of flavor.


The ultimate gluten-free apple cake is a mouthwatering dessert that is friendly to your stomach. It’s great for people with celiac disease or those who avoid gluten. The mix of fresh apples, spiced top, and sweet glaze makes it perfect for any gathering or as a treat.

With the right ingredients and following our tips, making this cake is easy. Using top-notch gluten-free flour makes a cake that’s moist and tasty. You won’t miss out on flavor or texture with this recipe.

Enjoy this gluten-free apple cake without gluten worries. Feel the soft apples, taste the spices, and the sweet glaze. It’s a recipe you’ll love if you want a gluten-free dessert that’s full of flavor. Have a slice with friends or family today!


Can I use a regular all-purpose flour instead of a gluten-free flour blend?

Using a high-quality gluten-free flour blend is best for the cake’s texture and taste.

Can I substitute the oil with butter in this recipe?

Yes, you can use melted butter instead of oil. Remember, it might change the cake’s texture and flavor.

Can I make the glaze without dairy?

Yes, you can. Use dairy-free options like almond milk or coconut yogurt for a glaze without dairy.

What are some popular apple varieties that work well in this recipe?

Good apples for this cake are Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, and Granny Smith.

Can I make this cake ahead of time?

You sure can. Store it well and it can last up to a week in the fridge.

What are some serving suggestions for this gluten-free apple cake?

Enjoy it as it is, with cream, ice cream, or topped with cinnamon or sugar.

Are there any other gluten-free apple recipes I can try?

Definitely. You’ll find more gluten-free apple treats, like muffins and crisp, in this article.

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Paige Turner

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