Work in Progress…

The house is almost done – I want to share a picture but I can’t yet!! (And I am so excited that it is just about finished) So hopefully things will go back to normal around here.

Do you know how excited I am to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day? Extremely. See, before we had this wine colored couch. And I am kind of strange. The couch would work out great for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, 4th of July. But you can’t throw an orange pillow for Halloween on the wine colored couch. Or a green shamrock? So that’s why I chose some pretty neutral colors. So I could decorate for each of the holidays and not have to worry about my strange OCD tendancies coming out.

So here I am, all excited for St. Patty’s day. Went out to Target, Hobby Lobby, T J Maxx, and a few other stores looking for some decorations. And nothing. Booooo for the lack of green goodness.

So today I am busy crafting away a few pillows, accessories and magical awesomeness to put around the house. Can’t wait to show you!!!!

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