Banana Cake with Yoghurt

Banana Cake with Yoghurt: Adding Creaminess and Tang

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Hi there! Ready to try our amazing Banana Cake with Yoghurt recipe? It’s perfect for using up those bananas that are too ripe. It’s so moist and tender, your loved ones won’t get enough of it.

What makes our banana cake special is Greek yogurt. It makes the cake creamy and slightly tangy, balancing the sweet mashed bananas perfectly. This cake is both moist and flavorful.

Our recipe is straightforward, letting the main ingredients stand out. Along with Greek yogurt and bananas, we add lots of vanilla. It all comes together in a blend of flavors that you’ll love.

If you’re into baking or just love desserts, you have to make this cake. It’s good as it is, or you can add vanilla icing or cream cheese frosting for extra sweetness.

Next, we’ll share more. We’ll talk about how to make the cake stay moist, along with baking and serving tips. This recipe is great for any time you want something tasty.

The Secret to Moistness: Greek Yogurt and Mashed Banana

The secret to the Banana Cake with Yoghurt’s moistness is Greek yogurt and mashed banana. Greek yogurt makes the cake moist and gives it a slight tang. This pairs well with the banana’s sweetness. Mashed banana brings extra moisture and flavor to the cake. This recipe replaces milk with Greek yogurt for a creamier batter. It keeps its tang through the use of Greek yogurt. This cake keeps it simple, adding vanilla extract only for flavor.

Baking and Serving Tips for Banana Cake with Yoghurt

The Banana Cake with Yoghurt isn’t just a tasty treat. It’s a flexible choice for any occasion. You can enjoy it at parties or throughout the week. Here’s how to bake and serve this great cake:

Baking Tips

  • Make the cake early: If you’ve got a big event coming up, bake your cake early. This gives you time on the day of the event and the cake will taste just as good.
  • Store it right: Put the cake in an airtight container after baking to keep it fresh. It helps the cake stay moist and tasty for days, letting you savor it slowly.

Serving Suggestions

There are many ways to enjoy the Banana Cake with Yoghurt. You can eat it plain or add your favorite toppings and sides. Here’s how to serve it:

  • Simple is perfect: The cake by itself is a yummy snack or dessert. The bananas and Greek yogurt make it naturally sweet and tangy.
  • Add icing or frosting: If you love sweets, top your cake with vanilla icing or cream cheese frosting. It’ll make it even more tempting.
  • Make it a sundae: Turn your cake into an ice cream sundae base. Top it with vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, whipped cream, and nuts. It’s a rich and fun treat.

The Banana Cake with Yoghurt can be made early and it keeps well. You can freeze it too for later. This means you can enjoy its moist, tasty flavor whenever you like. So, dive into this delightful dessert and enjoy!

storage of banana cake


In summary, the Banana Cake with Yoghurt is a moist, versatile, and delicious cake. It combines the sweetness of bananas with Greek yogurt’s tanginess. Adding vanilla extract makes it even more tasty.

This cake is great on its own or with icing. You can also use it to make an awesome ice cream sundae. It’s a dessert that’s easy to prepare ahead of time and lasts several days.

This banana cake is a must-try for a sweet and tasty treat. With mashed bananas, Greek yogurt, and a touch of vanilla, it becomes a soft, flavorful dessert. Your family and friends will be impressed by this delightful cake.


Can I use regular yogurt instead of Greek yogurt in the Banana Cake with Yoghurt?

Yes, you can use regular yogurt instead of Greek. Greek yogurt offers a creamier and tangier taste. But, your regular yogurt will work just fine if you prefer it.

How long can I store the Banana Cake with Yoghurt?

You can store the cake for several days in an airtight container. This helps keep it fresh and tasty for longer.

Can I add spices to the Banana Cake with Yoghurt?

The recipe keeps the focus on the banana’s natural flavor. So, it doesn’t include spices in the batter. But, you can add spices to the cake if you like to experiment.

Can I freeze the Banana Cake with Yoghurt?

Absolutely, this cake is great for freezing. Wrap it well in plastic wrap first. Then, you can freeze it for a delicious treat later.

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