Sugar Cookies Land O Lakes Recipe

Classic Comfort: Sugar Cookies Land O Lakes Recipe

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Experience the warm comfort of classic sugar cookies with this recipe. It uses simple ingredients like flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, Land O Lakes® Butter, an egg, vanilla, and almond extract.

To make the dough, first mix the dry ingredients. Then add in the sugar, butter, egg, and extracts. Roll out the dough, cut into shapes, and bake until they start to brown. You’ll get golden sugar cookies that taste and look great.

Enjoy them plain or decorate them for a special occasion. Using royal icing can add a festive touch. This will surely impress your friends and family.

For the best sugar cookies, use top-quality ingredients. This recipe calls for Land O Lakes Unsalted Butter for richness. King Arthur Flour and Domino Sugar ensure perfect texture and sweetness.

Don’t forget Rumford baking powder and Morten salt for the right rise and taste. Rodelle Vanilla adds that special aroma.

Making these will take 30 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to cook. This yields 5 dozen cookies, each with only 63 calories. They have 4g of fat, 6g of carbs, and 1g of protein. These cookies are a guilt-free treat.

Don’t hesitate! Dive into the classic Sugar Cookies Land O Lakes Recipe. Give yourself the gift of delicious nostalgia.

Soft Sugar Cookies

Try a new twist on classic sugar cookies with our Soft Sugar Cookies. We use Land O Lakes® Butter. These treats are soft and have a burst of orange zest flavor. It’s a citrusy surprise in each bite.

To make these delicious cookies, you need: sugar, eggs, vanilla, Land O Lakes® Butter, and orange zest. You also need flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sour cream.

First, mix the Land O Lakes® Butter and sugar until they’re fluffy. Then mix in eggs, vanilla, and orange zest. The orange zest adds a fresh taste that’s just right with the sweet cookies.

In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix these dry ingredients into the butter mixture with sour cream. This makes the dough perfect.

Chill the dough for at least 2 hours. You can even leave it overnight. Chilled dough is easier to shape and makes the cookies texture better.

Next, roll the dough ¼-inch thick on a floured surface. Use cookie cutters for shapes. Put them on a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Bake them for 8-11 minutes in a preheated oven. They should be slightly golden on the edges. This makes them soft inside but a bit crispy on the edges.

Recipe Yield Baking Time Recommended Flour (grams) Topping
32 cookies 8-11 minutes 358 grams 1/4 cup of granulated white sugar substitute or regular white granulated sugar

Enjoy these Soft Sugar Cookies plain or decorate them. Use frosting and sprinkles if you like. For a sugar-free option, top with sugar-free vanilla frosting and sprinkles. With either topping, each cookie is 3 Points®.

Store these tasty cookies on the counter for up to 5 days. They last in the fridge for up to 10 days or freeze them for a month. Enjoy them yourself, share them, or give them as gifts. They’re sure to make everyone happy.


Are you a fan of classic sugar cookies or the soft type with a hint of citrus? Both versions of the Sugar Cookies Land O Lakes Recipe are great for any event. They use Land O Lakes® Unsalted Butter for a rich, creamy flavour. This makes the cookies taste even better.

Getting the amounts of flour, sugar, and butter just right makes sure the cookies are always tasty. Decorating them lets you be creative. You can use different coloured icings and tools. This adds a lovely, festive look.

The recipes give clear baking times and temperatures. This way, you can bake 12 to 18 cookies, depending on your cookie cutter size. There’s also a joint marketing project between Bake at 350 and Land O’Lakes. It promotes using Land O Lakes® Butter in these tasty cookies.

Get into the December baking spirit and make these Sugar Cookies Land O Lakes Recipe. Enjoy the warmth and share these classic, soft cookies with those you love.


Can I use margarine instead of Land O Lakes® Butter in the sugar cookies recipes?

Yes, you can use margarine instead of Land O Lakes® Butter. But it might change how your cookies taste and feel. For the tastiest cookies, we suggest sticking with Land O Lakes® Butter.

Can I substitute almond extract with another flavor in the classic sugar cookies recipe?

Definitely! You’re free to use vanilla extract or any flavor you like instead of almond extract. Just remember, this will change the cookie’s original flavor.

Can I freeze the sugar cookie dough?

Of course! Both our classic and soft sugar cookie doughs can be frozen. Wrap the dough well in plastic or put it in a sealed container. It can stay in the freezer for 3 months.

When you want to bake them, thaw the dough overnight in the fridge. Then roll it out and shape as desired.

Can I decorate the sugar cookies before baking?

It’s better to decorate the cookies after baking. Once they’ve cooled, you can add icing, sprinkles, or sugar decorations. This makes sure your decorations don’t melt and keeps the cookies looking great.

How long can I store the baked sugar cookies?

You can keep baked sugar cookies in an airtight container at room temp for a week. For a longer shelf life, refrigerate them for 2 weeks or freeze up to 3 months. Remember to warm them to room temperature before enjoying.


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