Apple & Banana Cake

Delicious Blends: Apple & Banana Cake for a Fruity Treat

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Enjoy a mix of sweet fruits with our Apple & Banana Cake. It combines the flavors of ripe apples and bananas. This blend creates a tasty cake that you’ll love to eat. It’s perfect for anyone who enjoys fruit or wants a yummy dessert.

To make this cake, you need 4 cups of peeled, cored, and grated apples. You also need mashed bananas, vanilla, oil, eggs, and a bit of cinnamon. You can add chopped nuts for more flavor. Mix these ingredients well to make a cake that’s moist and full of taste.

Our Apple & Banana Cake suits everyone, no matter their age. It’s great for tea time or as a sweet treat after dinner. Don’t miss the chance to try this tasty treat. It will surely make your day brighter with every bite of our Delicious Blends Apple & Banana Cake!

A Healthier Twist: Banana and Apple Cake without Refined Sugar

This recipe is for a healthier Apple & Banana Cake. Instead of refined sugar, it uses homemade apple puree for sweetness. This puree also makes the cake moist.

The recipe includes:

  • Pureed apple
  • Wholemeal self-raising flour
  • Self-raising flour
  • Very ripe bananas
  • Unsalted butter
  • Eggs
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Runny honey

To make the cake, mash bananas and mix them with the apple puree. Add other ingredients and mix. Then, bake in a tin at 180 degrees C for 30-40 minutes. You’ll get a tasty, moist cake that’s low in sugar.

Why Choose a Refined Sugar-free Cake?

“Refined sugar-free cakes offer a healthier alternative without compromising on taste and flavor. Using natural sweeteners like apple puree and honey not only adds natural sweetness but also contributes to the moist texture of the cake. It’s a guilt-free indulgence that satisfies your sweet tooth while nourishing your body.” – Nutritionist Jane Smith

Ingredient Amount
Wholemeal self-raising flour 1 cup
Self-raising flour 1 cup
Pureed apple 1/2 cup
Very ripe bananas 2
Unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup
Eggs 2
Ground cinnamon 1 tsp
Runny honey 1/4 cup

This Apple & Banana Cake without refined sugar is tasty and better for you. It’s perfect for those who want a healthier version of a favorite.

Creamy Frosting for the Perfect Finishing Touch

To make the Apple & Banana Cake better, you can add a creamy frosting on top. This frosting is made of cream cheese, butter, milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Mix the cream cheese and butter until they’re smooth. Then, add and mix the milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar until it’s spreadable. This sweet and creamy frosting makes the cake irresistible.

After the cake cools down, spread this creamy frosting over it. It makes the cake look even better. The creamy frosting also makes the cake taste smoother and more delicious. It blends perfectly with the apple and banana, pleasing your taste buds.

Creamy frosting

As you eat, notice how the cake’s moistness pairs with the creamy frosting’s smoothness. The frosting makes the cake less sour from the apples. The cream cheese and butter make it taste rich. This cake is all about great flavors and textures.

Putting on the frosting is fun because there are many ways to do it. You can use a piping bag, a knife to spread, or even a spatula for a cool design. However you do it, your cake will look amazing.

This frosting is great for any happy time or just a nice treat. It makes the Apple & Banana Cake perfect for dessert. So, enjoy it and love every bite.


The Apple & Banana Cake is a delightful dessert. It combines the sweetness of apples and bananas. You can enjoy the traditional version with its moist cake. Or, you could go for a healthier choice that doesn’t use refined sugar. Both are tasty for anyone who loves fruit. Adding a creamy frosting makes it even better.

Have extra ripe bananas and fresh apples? Make an Apple & Banana Cake. You’ll love the mix of flavors. Enjoy its goodness. Share it with friends and family, or savor it by yourself. This cake is sure to please and make you want more.

The Apple & Banana Cake’s mix of fruits makes it hard to resist. Its light texture and tasty frosting make it a hit. Don’t wait to make one. Treat yourself to this charming cake. You’ll be glad you did!


What are the main ingredients needed for the Apple & Banana Cake?

The key ingredients for the Apple & Banana Cake are: peeled, cored, and grated apples, mashed bananas. Also, vanilla, vegetable oil, eggs, and you can add chopped walnuts or pecans. You will also need all-purpose flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.

How do you make a healthier version of the Apple & Banana Cake?

To make it healthier, swap out refined sugar for homemade apple puree. Also, include wholemeal self-raising flour, self-raising flour, very ripe bananas. Add in unsalted butter, eggs, ground cinnamon, and runny honey.

How do you make the creamy frosting for the Apple & Banana Cake?

For the creamy frosting, blend cream cheese and butter, then add milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Start by beating cream cheese and butter until smooth. Then mix in milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar until it’s smooth and can be spread.

When should the frosting be applied to the cake?

Apply the frosting just before serving the Apple & Banana Cake to keep it fresh and moist.

What makes the Apple & Banana Cake a delightful dessert?

The Apple & Banana Cake draws its charm from the pleasant mix of apples and bananas. This blend makes a sweet harmony that fruit lovers of all ages enjoy.

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