Low FODMAP Cookie Recipe

Digestive Comfort: Low FODMAP Cookie Recipe

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Looking for a tasty treat that’s kind to your stomach? We’ve got just what you need. Try our scrumptious low FODMAP cookie recipe today.

These cookies are super tasty and perfect for those on a low FODMAP diet. They take just 15 minutes to prepare and bake in 10-12 minutes at 350°F. They are both quick and simple to make.

We can make 20-24 cookies from our recipe. It’s best to have 1-2 cookies per serving. Each cookie has about 206 calories, 28g of carbs, 3g of protein, 9g of fat, and 9g of sugar. With a 4.19 rating from 83 votes, these cookies will definitely please you.

Our cookie recipe is great because you can add your favourite mix-ins. Try semi-sweet chocolate chips, walnuts, pecans, raisins, or dried cranberries. This way, you can make them just how you like.

These cookies are perfect for people with dietary needs. They’re gluten-free and low on FODMAPs. This makes them a great choice for specific diets.

Getting the baking time right is key for that perfect chewy cookie texture. Make sure to follow the recommended baking time closely.

You can keep these cookies in a container for 2-3 days or freeze them. This way, you can enjoy a tasty treat whenever you like.

So, don’t wait any longer. Enjoy our low FODMAP cookies for both their flavor and digestive comfort. You’re in for a real treat!

The Benefits of a Low FODMAP Cookie Recipe

You don’t have to give up tasty treats on a low FODMAP diet. Our cookie recipe is good for your gut and delicious. It satisfies your sweet cravings in a healthy way.

These cookies are perfect for those with IBS on a low FODMAP diet. They avoid ingredients that can upset your stomach. Made with oats, coconut, almond flour, hemp hearts, and pumpkin seeds, each cookie is a treat.

Did you know? Monash University spends about $5,000 on each FODMAP research project. They found cocoa is high in FODMAPs and should be eaten in small amounts.

We don’t use unsalted butter, brown sugar, or certain flours and starches. This makes sure the cookies are low in FODMAPs and easy to digest.

Not just gut-friendly, these cookies are also really tasty. We picked ingredients that are healthy and make your taste buds happy. Oats, coconut, and dark chocolate combine for a great flavor.

To make these treats, heat your oven to 190˚C. Put 1/4 cup of batter for each cookie on a baking sheet. Bake them until golden brown, about 17-19 minutes.

Enjoy these cookies right away or keep them in an airtight container for up to 3 days. They can also be frozen for a month without losing taste or goodness.

“The right amount for these cookies is just one. Treat yourself to this satisfying, gut-friendly snack.”

Why choose between taste and digestive health? Our cookies offer both. Every bite is good for your digestion and pleases your taste buds. Try these amazing cookies and enjoy a tasty, gut-friendly snack.

Tips for Making the Perfect Low FODMAP Cookies

Making low FODMAP cookies that taste great is simple. With some tips, great texture and flavor are easy to get. You’ll want more after trying them.

Start by focusing on your sugar mix. Getting the boiling time right is key for soft, chewy cookies. Don’t boil too long, or they’ll become gritty and brittle. Finding the right timing is crucial for that perfect softness.

Watching the bake time is important, too. Baking them too long makes them dry. The trick is to take them out while just a bit soft. They’ll firm up as they cool, making them perfectly gooey.

Try using a low FODMAP flour that has xanthan gum. It makes the cookies chewy and tasty. It also helps them keep their shape perfectly.

Adding things like dark chocolate chips or nuts can make your cookies exciting. These extras boost the flavor and crunch in every bite.

After baking, store your cookies right to keep them fresh. An airtight container at room temperature works for up to 3 days. This keeps their taste and texture great for longer.




Can I use regular oats instead of rolled oats in the low FODMAP cookie recipe?

You should use rolled oats to get the best cookie texture. Certified gluten-free oats work for those with allergies.

Is sucrose considered low FODMAP? Can I use an alternative sweetener?

Sucrose is low FODMAP. For those avoiding sugar, alternatives like maple syrup or stevia are good choices.

Can I freeze the low FODMAP cookies?

Absolutely, you can freeze these cookies. Just use an airtight container or zip-top bag. They last in the freezer for three months. Thaw them at room temperature when you’re ready to eat.

My low FODMAP cookies turned out soft or gritty. What did I do wrong?

Soft cookies might be from not baking long enough or too much moisture. Gritty cookies may be from over-boiling the sugar. Always follow the recipe closely and bake for the set time.

Can I add chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins to the low FODMAP cookie recipe?

Definitely! Chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins make these cookies even better. Mix in your favorite add-ins.

How should I store the low FODMAP cookies to keep them fresh?

Keep cookies fresh by storing them in an airtight container at room temperature. They last for up to a week. For longer storage, put them in the fridge.


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