Earl Grey Lavender Scones

Earl Grey Infusion: Earl Grey Lavender Scones Recipe

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These Earl Grey Lavender Scones make afternoon tea special. They blend Earl Grey tea and dried lavender. This makes them tender and full of aroma. You can bake them in just 30 minutes. They are easy and quick to make. This recipe makes 8 scones. You will need things like flour, baking powder, sugar, and butter. Enjoy these warm scones with cream and jam for a tasty treat.

If you like Earl Grey tea and lavender, you’ll love these scones. They combine lavender’s floral taste with Earl Grey’s citrusy flavor. This creates an unforgettable taste. The scones are soft and a bit sweet. They’re great with a warm cup of tea.

Making these scones is easy. Start with the butter. Infuse 8 teaspoons of tea in 8 tablespoons of butter. After infusion, reduce the butter to 6 tablespoons. Then cool it down in the fridge.

Mix flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Add the infused butter. The mix will look like coarse crumbs. Add 2 teaspoons of loose tea. Mix ½ cup of cream, 2 more tablespoons of cream, and an egg in another bowl. Slowly add this to the flour mix. Stir until just mixed.

Roll the dough on a floured surface. Knead it gently. Cut into triangles or other shapes. Place them on a baking sheet. Brush with cream. Bake at 425°F for about 20 minutes, until golden.

Let the scones cool a bit before serving. They taste best warm, with cream and jam.

This recipe makes crumbly American-style scones. They are not biscuity. But you can try other scone recipes on our site. Play with flavors and shapes to find your favorite.

Try making these Earl Grey Lavender Scones. They’re perfect for an afternoon, meeting friends, or treating yourself. The mix of lavender and Earl Grey is delightful. Bake a batch to make your tea time special.

For the full recipe and instructions, visit https://amandawilens.com/lavender-earl-grey-tea-infused-scones/.

How to Make Earl Grey Lavender Scones

To enjoy Earl Grey Lavender Scones, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together self-raising flour, baking powder, caster sugar, and salt.
  3. Add the Earl Grey tea to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  4. In a separate bowl, warm the milk in the microwave and then infuse it with dried lavender.
  5. Pour the infused milk into the dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
  6. Turn the dough out onto a work surface and knead it lightly.
  7. Roll or press the dough into a circle and cut it into 8 triangles.
  8. Place the scones on a baking sheet, brush with milk, and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden.
  9. Allow the scones to cool slightly before serving with clotted cream and blackcurrant jam.

Being careful with these steps will help you make fragrant scones. They’re perfect with your afternoon tea.

Tips for Perfect Earl Grey Lavender Scones

Getting the texture and flavor right is crucial when baking scones. Here’s how to make sure your Earl Grey Lavender Scones are perfect every time.

Use Cold, Unsalted Butter

For light and fluffy scones, cold unsalted butter is a must. Cut the butter into small pieces. Then mix it into the dry ingredients with a pastry cutter or fingers. This makes the dough tender and flaky.

Handle the Dough with Care

Don’t overwork the dough after adding the wet ingredients. Overmixing will make the scones heavy. Just mix it until it’s all combined.

Cut the Dough Correctly

Cut the dough into triangles using a sharp knife or bench scraper. Use a straight up and down motion. This will give you tall, fluffy scones.

Allow the Glaze to Dry Completely

If you glaze your scones, let it dry fully. This keeps the scones’ texture and taste. The glaze also makes them look and taste better.

With these tips, you’ll bake perfect Earl Grey Lavender Scones. They’re great with tea or as a special treat.

scone baking tips


Earl Grey Lavender Scones are a delightful treat for any tea enthusiast. The mix of Earl Grey tea and dried lavender gives a special twist to traditional scones.

Making these scones is quick and simple. You can quickly spoil yourself with a tasty treat for tea time. They are great for a tea party or a calm moment alone.

Enjoy the rich flavors and scents of Earl Grey Lavender Scones. Their soft texture and gentle floral notes will make your tea time special. Each bite is a step into relaxation and joy.


How long does it take to bake the Earl Grey Lavender Scones?

You can bake the scones in just 30 minutes.

How many scones does the recipe yield?

You’ll get 8 scones from this recipe.

What are the main ingredients required to make the Earl Grey Lavender Scones?

You need self-raising flour, baking powder, caster sugar, unsalted butter, milk, Earl Grey tea, and dried lavender. These are the main ingredients.

How should the scones be served?

Serve the scones warm. Add clotted cream and blackcurrant jam for an amazing treat.

What temperature should the oven be preheated to?

Preheat your oven to 200C before you start.

How should the butter be handled when making the scones?

Keep the butter cold. Touch it as little as you can. This makes the scones stay light and fluffy.

What should be done after adding the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients?

After mixing the wet and dry ingredients, work the dough as little as possible. This keeps the scones from getting tough.

How should the dough be cut into triangles?

Cut the dough into triangles with a straight down and up motion. This helps the scones rise well.

How should the glaze on top of the scones be treated?

Let the glaze dry completely before you store the scones. This keeps their texture and taste perfect.


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