Simple Coconut Cake

Easy and Delicious Simple Coconut Cake Recipe

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This simple coconut cake is a delightful treat that’s easy to whip up. It’s perfect for anyone who loves coconut. Using a white cake mix and coconut extract, it’s moist and full of flavor.

The real star, however, is the coconut buttercream frosting. It’s made with butter, powdered sugar, and cream of coconut. This creamy topping makes each bite sweet and luxurious. To top it all off, we sprinkle sweetened flaked coconut on it. This adds an extra pop of flavor and makes the cake look even better.

Let’s get started with the ingredients and steps to make this amazing dessert.

Ingredients and Steps for Easy Coconut Cake

Crave a tasty coconut cake that’s a breeze to bake? This recipe is all you need, with simple ingredients and easy steps. Let’s explore the joy of coconut cake making!


  • 1 box of white cake mix
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut extract
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of cream of coconut
  • 1 cup of sweetened flaked coconut
  • 1/2 cup of butter, softened
  • 4 cups of powdered sugar


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a 13×9 inch baking dish.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix the cake mix, eggs, water, oil, and coconut extract. Mix until smooth.
  3. Put the batter in the dish and even the top with a spatula.
  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
  5. Poke holes in the warm cake with a wooden spoon handle.
  6. Whisk the milk and coconut cream. Pour over the cake to soak the holes.
  7. Beat butter, sugar, and coconut cream until smooth in a separate bowl.
  8. Spread this coconut frosting on the cooled cake.
  9. Top with flaked coconut.

Your coconut cake is ready, and it’s delightful. This one is known for its moist texture, creamy frosting, and sweet coconut flakes. It’s perfect for any time, be it a celebration or a regular day. Make this cake and see how it becomes everyone’s favorite!

Tips and Tricks for Making the Best Coconut Cake

Making a great coconut cake means paying attention to detail and using expert tips. Follow this advice to impress your friends and family with a top-notch coconut cake.

1. Find the Best Ingredients

For a delicious coconut cake, start with top-quality ingredients. Use fresh and sweetened flaked coconut. Make sure it’s sealed well to keep its taste intact. Also, go with organic coconut extract for a strong and real coconut flavor.

2. Moisture is Key

The best coconut cakes are moist and soft. To get this result, include methods to keep your cake moist while baking. Instead of all water, mix in some cream of coconut. This adds moisture and boosts flavor in each layer.

3. Frosting Techniques

A delicious coconut cake needs a smooth and creamy frosting. For a light and fluffy frosting, beat butter, and cream of coconut, gradually adding powdered sugar. This will get you a perfect texture and just the right sweetness. Ensure the frosting is whipped well for a silky feel.

4. Toasted Coconut Topping

If toasted coconut on top sounds good to you, don’t skip this step. Spread coconut flakes on a baking sheet and toast until they’re a light golden color. Watch them closely to prevent burning.

5. Storing and Serving

To keep your coconut cake fresh, store it rightly. If it’s been frosted, put it in the fridge for up to five days. You can make the cake in advance but wait to frost it until you’re ready to serve. Let it sit out to warm up a bit before cutting.

tips for making coconut cake

By using these strategies, your coconut cake will be amazing. Enjoy making it and seeing the joy it brings to those who eat it. Every slice will be the best coconut cake they’ve ever had.


In short, this coconut cake is loved by many for its simple recipe. It’s easy to make and tastes amazing. The cake itself is moist and tasty, while the frosting adds a coconut twist.

This cake is ideal for any event or just to enjoy coconut. Making it is easy, with ingredients found in any store. It’ll be ready in a flash.

Make sure to use the tips given for the best cake. Finding the perfect cream of coconut and proper storage are key. Eat up, and feel like you’re in the tropics.


Can I use a different flavor of cake mix for this recipe?

Yes, changing the cake mix flavor is fine. Just know it will change the cake’s taste.

Can I use unsweetened flaked coconut instead of sweetened?

Using unsweetened flaked coconut is okay. It makes the cake less sweet.

But, sweetened coconut adds to the cake’s flavor.

Can I make this coconut cake gluten-free?

Yes, by using gluten-free cake mix, the cake becomes gluten-free. Check ingredient labels to make sure they’re all gluten-free.

Can I skip the step of pouring the cream of coconut mixture over the cake?

Pouring the coconut cream mix adds taste and moisture. Skip this step will affect the cake’s flavor.

It’s best not to skip this for great results.

Can I freeze this coconut cake?

Yes, you can freeze it. Wrap it well or use an airtight container. Thaw in the fridge before eating.

Can I substitute coconut milk for the cream of coconut?

You can use coconut milk instead of cream of coconut. But, the flavor and texture will be different. Cream of coconut makes the cake taste richer and more coconut-like.

Can I make this cake without frosting?

Without frosting is fine if you want less sweet. The cake is great on its own without the frosting.

Can I use coconut oil instead of vegetable oil?

Yes, coconut oil can replace vegetable oil. It makes the cake more coconut-flavored.

Remember, coconut oil gets solid at low temps. Melt it first if needed.

Can I use fresh coconut instead of sweetened flaked coconut?

Yes, fresh coconut is a good choice instead of the dried one. Grate and use it as you would the dried type.

Can I add nuts or other mix-ins to the cake batter?

Adding nuts or mix-ins is fine for extra taste and texture. You can include things like shredded coconut or nuts for a special twist.

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