Cherry and Coconut Cake

Fruity Cherry and Coconut Cake: A Perfect Pairing

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Enjoy the perfect mix of tastes with our fruity cherry and coconut cake recipe. This cake pairs a moist cherry pound cake with a coconut cream cheese frosting. It truly is a dessert dream.

Feel the burst of cherry flavor in every bite of the cherry pound cake. It’s enhanced with cherry extract and maraschino cherries. These cherries bring a sweet surprise, perfectly matching the coconut frosting.

We’ll walk you through making this delicious cake. You’ll learn about the special ingredients to the fun decorating. Discover how to make a dessert that looks great and tastes even better.

We won’t just share the main recipe. We offer tips on how to mix it up with different flavors. This lets you make the cake your own and shows off your kitchen creativity.

Do you like cherry and coconut together? We have more cherry cake recipes and cake-making how-tos. They’re perfect for expanding your baking skills and trying new cake ideas.

Planning a party or just want something sweet? Our cherry and coconut cake will wow your guests. Every forkful is a taste adventure in joy.

Ingredients and Recipe for Cherry Pound Cake

Are you looking for a tasty treat that’s full of the sweet taste of cherries? This recipe for cherry pound cake is what you need. It has a moist, buttery cake filled with cherry flavors. Perfect for any time you want to celebrate.

To start making this divine cherry pound cake, you’ll need these ingredients:

  • 1 and ½ cups of unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 and ¼ cups of granulated sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • ¼ cup of cherry juice
  • 2 teaspoons of cherry extract
  • 1 cup of chopped maraschino cherries

With the ingredients ready, we can start making the cherry pound cake. Follow these simple steps:

  1. First, preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C) and prepare a 10-inch (25 cm) tube pan by greasing it.
  2. In a big bowl, mix the softened butter and sugar until they are light and fluffy.
  3. Then, add the eggs one by one, and beat them after each addition.
  4. In another bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together.
  5. Add this mix and the milk to the butter mix, bit by bit.
  6. Also, put in the cherry juice and cherry extract and mix well.
  7. Finally, gently fold in the chopped maraschino cherries.
  8. Put the batter into the tube pan.
  9. Bake for around 1 hour and 30 minutes, checking with a toothpick to see if it’s done.
  10. Let it sit in the pan for 10 minutes after baking. Then, move it to a wire rack to cool fully.

When your cherry pound cake is cool, it’s time to serve it. It’s moist and tasty, great with tea or coffee. You can even make it a bit more fancy with whipped cream or ice cream on top.

This dessert always wins over a crowd. The cherry flavor from the extract and maraschino cherries stands out. Also, the red cherries make it look as good as it tastes.

Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting and Decorating the Cake

After baking the cherry pound cake, let’s step it up with coconut cream cheese frosting. This creamy topping with a hint of tangy tastes makes the cake more delicious. It’s like a tropical vacation in a bite!

To make the frosting, gather these ingredients:

  • 8 ounces of cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter
  • 4 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup of shredded coconut

Mix the cream cheese and butter until smooth. Slowly add powdered sugar, beating until light. Then, mix in vanilla for extra flavor.

When the cherry cake is cool, it’s frosting time. Spread the coconut mix gently. An offset spatula works best for a neat finish.

Next, sprinkle shredded coconut on top. This step adds crunch and style. Finally, add maraschino cherries for a bright, beautiful look.

coconut cream cheese frosting and decorated cake

This cake isn’t just pretty; it’s also flexible. Coconut frosting can transform cakes into exotic delights. Perfect for any celebration or treat time, it’s bound to make everyone happy.

Wine Pairings for Cherry and Coconut Cake

Eating cherry and coconut cake is great by itself. But pairing it with the perfect wine makes it even better. An ideal wine with hints of fruit can balance the cake’s sweetness. This duo will make your dessert time memorable.

For a sparkling choice, pick a demi-sec Champagne. It complements the cake’s rich flavors. The bubbles from the Champagne make every taste more luxurious, enhancing the cake’s smoothness and aroma.

If you love dessert wines, go for a sweet sherry or cream sherry. These wines match well with the cake’s taste. They add a layer of nutty and caramel sweetness. Spiced rum is also an option for a cozy flavor boost.

Coconut cake pairs especially well with Champagne. Coco’s tropical taste fits perfectly with the wine’s freshness. This makes a memorable combination. For a non-alcoholic option, tropical fruit juice works wonders.

When picking your wine, think about what goes with the cake. Choose wines that are sweet, fruity, and balanced. Don’t be afraid to try different kinds to see what you like best. And serving the wine at the right temperature is key to unlocking its full flavor.


What makes cherry pound cake fruity?

Cherry pound cake gets its fruitiness from cherry juice and extract. It also has chopped maraschino cherries. These ingredients make the cherry flavor pop in the cake.

How do I make a cherry pound cake?

Making a cherry pound cake is simple. Gather butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Add cherry juice, cherry extract, and chopped cherries. Mix everything and bake in a cake pan as directed.

How do I decorate the cherry pound cake with coconut cream cheese frosting?

Once your cherry cake is cool, spread the coconut cream cheese frosting over it. Use an offset spatula to do this. Then, sprinkle shredded coconut on top. You can also add maraschino cherries for a decorative look.

Can I use the coconut cream cheese frosting for other cake recipes?

Absolutely, the coconut cream cheese frosting works with many cakes. It’s known for its creamy texture and tasty coconut flavor. Feel free to use it on other baked treats.

What are some wine pairings for cherry and coconut cake?

Cherry and coconut cakes go well with certain wines. Try demi-sec Champagne, sweet sherries, or cream sherry. Spiced rum is also a great option. Champagne suits coconut too. If you prefer non-alcoholic, tropical fruit juices or passion fruit liqueur are good choices.

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